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Thrain Emberhand, Leader of Clan Emberpeak

Master of the Flame Thrain Gorin Emberhand, The Lava Lord (a.k.a. The Flamebearer)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sturdy, with signs of aging, hands calloused from years of work.

Body Features

Stocky build, muscular arms, broad shoulders.

Facial Features

Prominent jawline, high cheekbones, ash-covered beard.

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoo of a volcano on his left forearm.

Physical quirks

Always has a faint smell of sulfur around him.

Special abilities

Can communicate with fire elementals, resistant to high temperatures.

Apparel & Accessories

Leather tunic with metal studs, boots with metal soles, Ember Stone pendant.

Specialized Equipment

Heat-resistant tools, protective gear for working near lava.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up learning the art of stonemasonry, ventured to the Emberpeak Mountains, faced challenges from nature and foes, but always led with determination.


Trained under the renowned stonemason, Drorin Lavaforge.


Master Stonemason, Clan Leader of Emberpeak.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Founded Clan Emberpeak, built the Lava Fortress, established a unique way of life harnessing the volcano's power.

Failures & Embarrassments

Once underestimated a rival clan leading to a temporary loss of territory, had a failed diplomatic mission with the elves.

Mental Trauma

Witnessed the death of close friends during a volcanic eruption.

Intellectual Characteristics

Analytical, strategic, vast knowledge of geology.

Morality & Philosophy

Values the safety and prosperity of his clan above all, believes in harnessing nature's power responsibly.


Desecrating the volcano, betraying the clan.

Personality Characteristics


To protect and expand Clan Emberpeak's legacy.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Expert in geology and stonemasonry, not very skilled in diplomacy.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves the warmth of the volcano, dislikes cold climates.

Virtues & Personality perks

Courage, innovation, leadership.

Vices & Personality flaws

Stubborn, can be overly protective.

Personality Quirks

Often rubs his hands together when deep in thought.



Has led Clan Emberpeak for over 50 years, known for his innovative leadership and deep connection to the volcano.

Contacts & Relations

Allied with other dwarven clans, has contacts with fire elementals and magma creatures.

Family Ties

Father of two, grandfather to five.

Religious Views

Devout worshiper of Volkan, often offers sacrifices to the volcano.

Social Aptitude

Respected by his clan, known for his innovative ideas and protective nature.


Speaks with a deep and rumbling voice, often uses volcanic metaphors.

Hobbies & Pets

Has a pet magma lizard named Blaze, loves studying volcanic activity.


Deep and rumbling voice, speaks with authority, often uses volcanic metaphors, has a thick dwarven accent.

Wealth & Financial state

Rich, with vast treasures mined from the mountains and forged from the volcano's heat.
Current Status
Planning the expansion of Clan Emberpeak's territories.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Leader of Clan Emberpeak, Master of the Flame.
Circumstances of Birth
Born during a rare solar eclipse, considered an omen of great leadership.
Firehold, a settlement near the base of the Emberpeak Mountains.
Fiery orange eyes, intense gaze, framed by ash-colored eyebrows.
Coal-black beard with streaks of red, short cropped hair with a receding hairline.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rough, ash-gray skin, with patches of reddish hue from volcanic heat exposure.
4 feet, 7 inches
230 pounds
Worshiper of Volkan, the god of fire and forge.
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Dwarvish, Common Tongue, Elemental Tongue (language of fire elementals).
Character Prototype
A determined and innovative leader, with a deep connection to the volcano.

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