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Thrain Ironfist, Founder of Clan Ironfist

Master of the Forge Thrain Durin Ironfist, The Founder (a.k.a. The Forgefather)

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Sturdy, muscular, with signs of aging.

Body Features

Stocky build, strong arms from years of blacksmithing.

Facial Features

Prominent nose, bushy eyebrows, long braided beard.

Identifying Characteristics

Tattoo of an anvil on his right arm.

Physical quirks

Walks with a slight hunch due to years at the forge.

Special abilities

Able to imbue his creations with minor enchantments.

Apparel & Accessories

Leather apron, metal arm guards, boots with metal toe caps.

Specialized Equipment

Masterwork blacksmith tools, a special hammer passed down through generations.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up learning the art of blacksmithing, ventured into uncharted territories to establish his clan, faced numerous challenges but always led with honor.


Trained under the legendary blacksmith, Borin Firehammer.


Master Blacksmith, Clan Leader of Ironfist.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Founded Clan Ironfist, crafted the legendary axe "Heartsplitter", established trade routes with other races.

Failures & Embarrassments

Lost a major contract to a rival clan, once accidentally melted a crown meant for a king.

Mental Trauma

The death of his younger brother in a mining accident.

Intellectual Characteristics

Sharp, strategic, vast knowledge of metallurgy.

Morality & Philosophy

Values honor and hard work, believes in the strength of unity.


Dealing with dark magic, betraying one's clan.

Personality Characteristics


To ensure the legacy of Clan Ironfist.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Expert in metallurgy, not very skilled in magic.

Likes & Dislikes

Loves the sound of the forge, dislikes laziness.

Virtues & Personality perks

Honesty, dedication, leadership.

Vices & Personality flaws

Stubborn, can be short-tempered.

Personality Quirks

Often hums a dwarven tune while working.



Has led Clan Ironfist for over 70 years, known for his just and wise rule.

Contacts & Relations

Allied with other dwarven clans, has contacts in the Elven Kingdom and human settlements.

Family Ties

Father of three, grandfather to seven.

Religious Views

Devout worshiper of Morndin, often offers his creations to the god.

Social Aptitude

Respected by his clan, known for his wisdom and fairness.


Often gestures with his hammer, speaks with a deep and commanding voice.

Hobbies & Pets

Has a pet mountain goat named Flint, loves collecting rare ores.


Deep voice, speaks with authority, often uses dwarven proverbs, has a thick dwarven accent.

Wealth & Financial state

Rich, with vast treasures mined from the mountains, owns several mines.
Current Status
Overseeing the operations of Clan Ironfist.
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Founder of Clan Ironfist, Master of the Forge.
Deep-set hazel eyes, sharp gaze, under bushy eyebrows.
Fiery red hair and beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rough, tanned skin from years at the forge.
4 feet, 5 inches
220 pounds
Worshiper of Morndin, the god of creation and metalwork.
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Dwarvish, Common Tongue, Elvish.
Character Prototype
A wise and skilled blacksmith, with a heart of gold and hands of steel.

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