Skywarden Knights

A company of elite Griffon Riders that range from Argent's Gate. Instrumental in keeping peace within the Empire and responding swiftly to threats.



There are currently 14 squads of Griffon Riders each containing four knights under the leadership of a veteran sergeant. Each Knight is supported by a squire and several serfs to attend to themselves as their mount.


Each Knight is responsible for choosing and maintaining their own equipment, most Skywardens fight with a lance or glaive that can the effectively wielding from the saddle, they also carry javelins and crossbows. Each Skywarden wears a gleaming breastplate that proudly displays their squad's insignia and their own noble houses crest. Each saddle includes a harness for the rider allows them to be secured to their mount, this enables them to perform more daring and dangerous ariel manoeuvres.


The Griffon Riders fight huge double-bladed glaives, lances and spears, though the Griffons themselves are the most dangerous weapons.


Lead by the Lord Skywarden of Valgarde, the most senior of the Skywarden Knights, the company is led by


A squadron of Skywarden Knights will often cow the enemy with their sheer presence, the imposing Griffon and heavy-armed knight atop it more than enough to dissuade petty bandits or highwayman. In war and battle the Griffon will strafe enemy lines seeking to eliminate ranged attackers and artillery before descending on the main lines. The Griffons will pick up undefended enemies, fly high into the air and let gravity do its deadly work. The riders will rarely land in combat, preferring to press their ariel advantage.


Each griffon rider is a proven cavalry soldier and often a second or third born noble trained from youth for the role. Their martial skill must also be matched by their ability to care for and train their steed which they must rear from a chick personally to form a bond and tame the naturally dominant and feral Griffons.
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles