BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 18th - Mar 10th, 2024

General Summary

  • we left the city to explore
  • bison
  • we lock horns
  • we accidental kill one
  • but we respectfully harvest it for ingredients and let the other 2 sleep
  • we bring the harvested one back
  • we go back out
  • theres hunters
  • time to scale a cliff
  • beat them up
  • they surrender
  • their names are [Dailyn] and [Rogziel]
  • they tell us that the wizards told them we were dangerous and unstable
  • lies
  • wizards making them hunt the experiments so they can stay in their homeland
  • we said you can come to our house?
  • they say yeah
  • send them there
  • exploration :)
Report Date
11 Mar 2024