Owl-Hawk Species in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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A bird species native to the Eastern Peninsula of the Earth Mainland.   Its appearance is a mix between an owl and a hawk, having the beak of a hawk and the eyes of an owl.   Due to their high intellegence, Owl-Hawks are difficult to tame. However, if tamed, Owl-Hawks become incredibly loyal companions, willing and able to do most anything for its master. It is even rumored some Owl-Hawks have been able to learn complex sentences to the point of understanding human language.   Owl-Hawks are prized by officials in both political and military positions alike for their great intelligence and abilities. Therefore, the trading and selling of Owl-Hawks has become a lucrative business over the years. As such, Owl-Hawks are constantly being hunted by those seeking to make a quick profit.
30 years
Geographic Distribution

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