The Secret College Organization in Avatar Legends: Petals of the Lotus | World Anvil
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The Secret College

Guild of Science

The Secret College has a seemingly sinister name. However, in reality it only has benevolent intentions... mostly. The college is simply a group of scientists, historians, and various other scholars who have devoted themselves to discovering new scientific advancements of the world-changing kind.
  The Secret College has groups of members within most major cities of the world. Their most notable group is located in the city of Ba Sing Se. There, the college owns a building near the center of the city which houses various manuscripts, inventions, and artifacts which the college has collected over the years.
  The College has no official leader, but instead makes decisions through a voting board, which is made up of the most senior members of the Secret College. However, most members have complete freedom to pursue knowledge however they wish.

Always Forward

Founding Date
7500 BG
Educational, Scientific Institute

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