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Fire Nation History

  • 721 BG

    487 BG

    Era of Avatar Szeto
    Life, Birth

    Additional timelines
  • 82 BG

    12 AG

    Era of Avatar Roku
    Life, Birth

    Additional timelines
  • 58 BG

    20 AG

    Reign of Firelord Sozin
    Political event

  • 30 BG

    Hu Xin Province Campaign
    Military action

    Additional timelines
  • 0 BG

    20 Kyujitsu

    The Air Genocide
    Disaster / Destruction

    Additional timelines
  • 0 BG

    21 Kyujitsu
    100 AG

    20 Kyujitsu

    Hundred Year War
    Military action
  • 15 AG

    3 Shukaku
    15 AG

    18 Shukaku

    First Siege of the North
    Military action

    Additional timelines
  • 18 AG

    14 Nirashi
    18 AG

    2 Sanrashi

    Destruction of Taku
    Military action

    Prior to the Hundred Year War, the city was an important center of commerce. However, it was destroyed by the Fire Nation during the first wave of attacks due to its strategic location and importance to the Earth Kingdom.

    Additional timelines
  • 20 AG

    95 AG

    Reign of Firelord Azulon
    Political event

  • 35 AG

    17 Moyasu
    94 AG

    23 Sanrashi

    Sea Raven's Southern Raids
    Military action

    Additional timelines
  • 71 AG

    27 Junbi Suru

    Birth of Prince Lu Ten
    Life, Birth

  • 83 AG

    17 Arashi

    Birth of Prince Zuko
    Life, Birth

  • 85 AG

    15 Kyujitsu

    Birth of Princess Azula
    Life, Birth

  • 94 AG

    10 Junbi Suru
    95 AG

    10 Nirashi

    First Siege of Ba Sing Se
    Military action

    Additional timelines
  • 95 AG

    15 Kyujitsu 12:00
    100 AG

    15 Kyujitsu 13:00

    Reign of Firelord Ozai
    Political event

  • 95 AG

    9 Nirashi

    Death of Prince Lu Ten
    Life, Death

  • 100 AG

    13 Junbi Suru
    100 AG

    14 Junbi Suru

    Second Siege of the North
    Military action

    Additional timelines
  • 100 AG

    5 Ueru Suru

    Surrender of Omashu
    Military action

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  • 100 AG

    14 Seicho Suru

    Battle of the Drill
    Military action

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  • 100 AG

    21 Seicho Suru

    Coup of Ba Sing Se
    Military action

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  • 100 AG

    1 Nirashi

    Day of Black Sun
    Military action

    Failed invasion of the Fire Nation capitol by combined Water Tribe forces and allies of Avatar Aang

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  • 100 AG

    1 Nirashi 02:00

    Solar Eclipse
    Celestial / Cosmic

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  • 100 AG

    20 Kaifuku Suru

    Sabotage over Wulong Forest
    Military action

    A small team of allies of Avatar Aang (Earthbending Master Toph, Ambassador Sokka, and Head of the Kyoshi Warriors Sukki) infiltrate and destroy the Fire Nations Air Navy.

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  • 100 AG

    20 Kaifuku Suru

    Imperial Agni Kai

    Then Firelord Azula defeated by Prince Zuko and his second, Master Katara, in Agni Kai. Firelord Azula broke the Agni Kai by attempting to attack a non-participant and was subsequently defeated, forfeiting her right to the dragon throne.

  • 100 AG

    20 Kaifuku Suru

    Sozin's Comet
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Additional timelines
  • 100 AG

    22 Kaifuku Suru 11:00
    167 AG

    15 Kyujitsu 12:00

    Reign of Firelord Zuko
    Political event

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  • 100 AG

    10 Sai Kochiku
    100 AG

    10 Modusu

    Whaletail Peace Accords
    Gathering / Conference

    Whaletail island was chosen as both a symbolic location near the Southern Air temple, where Avatar Aang is from and where the war began, and as a neutral, uninhabited and unclaimed island, for the peace accords following the Hundred Year War. Fireord Zuko of the Fire Nation, Avatar Aang of the Southern Air temple, Chief Hakoda representing the Southern tribes and Chief Arnook of the North, as well as Earth King Kuei and the council of Generals met here to finalize the ending of the war, and to move forward with reparations.

  • 100 AG

    101 AG


    Harmony Restoration Movement
    Diplomatic action

    The Harmony Restoration Movement was a campaign to remove the Fire Nation presence in the Earth Kingdom by transferring the Fire Nation colonials back to the Fire Nation. It was proposed by Avatar Aang at Earth King Kuei's re-coronation ceremony and was greeted with cheers from the Earth Kingdom citizenry. However, the movement eventually led to a conflict between Earth King Kuei and Fire Lord Zuko, mediated by Avatar Aang.   The Harmony Restoration Movement ended with the creation of a new joint government in the former Fire Nation colonies which eventually led to the creation of the United Republic of Nations.

    Additional timelines
  • 101 AG

    Battle for Yu Dao
    Military action

    More of a standoff than a proper battle, Yu Dao was the center of conflict regarding the fate of the Fire Nation colonies post-Hundred Year War. The Battle for yu Dao was a standoff between Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom forces over the fate of the colonies, now the home of a combination of Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom citizens of mixed heritage who did not want to be forced from their homes.

  • 167 AG

    15 Kyujitsu 12:00

    Reign of Firelord Azumi
    Political event