Tifira: The Desert of Golden Sands Geographic Location in Avendon | World Anvil
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Tifira: The Desert of Golden Sands

To the west is a desert region, commonly referred to by outsiders as Golden Sands, though local settlers have named it Tifira. The arid desert sees little rainfall during the year in most areas, but there are some mountains in the area that may see more. While temperatures during the day are sweltering, at night the temperatures can drop below freezing.  Desert grasses and scrub vegetation not found anywhere else are commonly found here, and several species of fauna are unique to the area.    While the countries to the east saw little reason to expand into such dangerous conditions while their living situation was perfectly comfortable, the region was settled by immigrant Najani peoples, creating a mirror of the home they left behind. Small settlements and larger cities are both common in the desert. Tifiran citizens have made a comfortable trade relationship with their neighbor, the kingdom of Eralya. Najani craftspeople can often be found at the Eralyan trade center, selling and trading goods from the desert in exchange for items from the abundance of the fertile lands to the east. Each culture has perfected life in their own region, and both use this to their advantage when dealing with the other.   As years have passed, it has become more common for travelers from Eralya and Avendon to venture into the desert, either for exploration or expansion. Apprentices of the Healer's Collective are required to spend time in the area as part of their instruction in herbalism and plant life, but seldom venture there to gather plant life or other ingredients on their own.   An interesting quality of the desert is that magic seems to be less effective in the area. The mage council of Maloren has not continued investigation into this phenomenon after it was first identified several years ago. In the aftermath of the last war against Evonshire,  Tifira expressed their distrust of magic and mages, though not as vocally as their neighbor. This tension has prevented Maloren from approaching the area to study its affect on magic further.

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