Ethermark Item in Avendora | World Anvil

Ethermark (Eh-ther-mark)

Overview: Ethermarks are the new standard form of currency in the Saurian Empire. Ether marks are triangular in shape with flat corners, creating a sort of triangular hexagon. In addition, Ethermarks are divided into 3 different types; Vek, Sair, and Trence. The first and most valuable, the vek, has one hole through its center with the next having 3 holes and the last with 6, (the Sair and trence) all arrayed symmetrically. As a sebucurrecy of the Trence (often called Tren for short) are 2 more units, these simply in the shape of smaller squares with a singular hole in their centers, one of which is 75% the size of the other. These tokens are called Nyn and Jev, the firs being the physically bigger and more valuable. *All of the preceding currencies are cerialized and .25" thick.   Appearance: The tokens themselves are made of a very durable metal frame around any exposed edge surface, with a glass-like polymer on each face to allow a view of the energy contained within. Each successive Ethermark token has a higher amount of Void energy condensed within, thus causing all Ethermarks to be some variation of glowing purple. Jev glow very faintly with the slightest pink color, almost clear. Nyn are slightly brighter pink, Trence becoming more of a hot pink and brighter still, Sair light purple, and finally Vek, which are the swirling purple of the Void itself that glows with about the intensity of a particarly bright glow stick.   Source of Value: Manufatured through a highly secretive process with specialized machines engineered to harness Void energy, Ethermarks have 3 seperate sources of value: scarcity through only a certain limited number being released into circulation, backing by the fact that the Void energy stored within can be withdrawn from the token and utilized practically (eliminating the value of the token), and non-fungible digital value linked to each individual token via The Ether. As Ethermarks are serialized via a combination of letter and number characters, some specific tokens are artificially increased in value due to sought after coincidental spellings or number combinations.   Common Use: Ethermarks are often carried by the common people in holster type tubes with central rails that hold the currency in place via the holes through each variation and springs that push the next token up when the one before it is removed. In addition, Ethermarks are often used in closed bundles of varying amounts, similar to coin rolls. Large money shipments, legitimate or illicit, are usually accomplished via secure reinforced containers with many rows of the currency held in place by central poles and stacked many layers high. While almost everyone wisely has at least some physical Ehtermarks on hand, many transactions take place digitally through Ethermark banks which store the physical currency in place of the individual.   Secret: Unbeknownst to the general public, all Ethermarks' exact location can be traced and located in 3D space with rxtricinary accuracy due to their link with The Ether and the Void. This monitoring is, of course, done by the Saurian Internal Inquiry Organization and is kept highely secret by them. Of course this can be used very infrequently and never openly so as not to alert anyone to their being tracked or go cause further attention or investigation.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The exact technology of the Ethermarks is kept highly confidential, and anti-tampering technology has further prevented curios individuals from discovering their secrets. What is made publicly available is that Ethermarks have an unspecified material at their center than contains Void energy within itself, with glass-like reinforced polymer sandwiching it together on either side to further help contain it and very durable metals lining every exposed endge as well as all around the entire outside and inside widths. Conductive points in each token can be used to transfer energy in or out, converting the Void energy to electricity or vice versa (this process is also classified).

Manufacturing process

While much of the process is classified, the following has been made public information: each Ethermarks is place into a machine which channels energy from the Void and contains it within the token, filling it with the amount of energy corresponding to its type and derived value. Next they are transported via assembly line to be laser engraved around their whole width with their serial number. Lastly, they are linked to The Ether with their serial number and authorized for circulation.
by Caden Lee
Item type
Currency & Deeds
Creation Date
31/8/814 ASD
Related Technologies
Owning Organization
1Vek is equal to 8Sair, 1Sair is equal to 5Tren, 1Tren is equal to 5Nyn, and 1Nyn is equal to 5Jev.
Vek-Tren = 2.673 grams, Nyn = 2.010 grams, Jev = 1.508 grams
Vek-Tren = 1.500”X1.732”, Nyn = 1”X1”, Jev = .75”X.75” (all .25” thick)
Base Price
1Vek = ~$1,000, 1Sair = ~$125, 1Tren = ~$25, 1Nyn = ~$5, 1Jev = ~$1

Cover image: by Caden Lee


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