Avendora Through the Eyes of the Saurians

1930 ASD

Created by

Editorial Team

A sci-fi fantasy on a massive scale. Set in the current time, the Eternal Walren Empire controls the majority of the milky way galaxy (Avendora), constantly displaying the war-mongering tendencies by attacking anyone around them. All this while earth remains oblivious due to laws forbidding interference with primitive race planets that exist in Kadar Cabal territory where Sol III is located. The Walren and Kadar are the oldest races in the galaxy, mortal enemies for their entire history as far as even the oldest of prehistoric records display. Much more recently, a new empire has made an appearance in the galaxy; the Saurians. The Saurian Empire came from outside the known universe, wiping clean the pirate/barbarian territory previously owned by the Lizard Cabals and claiming it for their own in the conflict now known as the Lizard Extermination Campaign. When first contact was made with the Walren empire, naturally a war occurred (First Saurian-Walren War), lasting many years before languages could be translated and a resolution could be made. Centuries and numerous wars and conflicts later, an extremely tenuous peace hold throughout the galaxy... but for how long?