Foxan (Fock-san)

Foxans are a more magical race, normally standing shorter than the average human. Their technology is a strange mix of magic and technology, mostly revolving around their special crystals, of which only they know how to manufacture and utilize. They are usually bipedal and humanoid in appearance but can shift their physical form into a quadrupedal being upon mental command. This form resembles a large furry animal, usually with reddish-brown fur, and the only drawback to this mutation seems to be a large use of energy, making the Foxan quite hungers immediately after.

Basic Information


In their usual bipedal form, Foxans have huge ears that are together about the same size as the rest of their head, with a animalistic and feline face, long whiskers sprouting just before their nose. Sharp incisor teeth for tearing meat and followed by more blunt crushing teeth further back in the jaw for plants and other foods. In quadrupedal form they are quite similar, aside from their basic bone and muscle structure shifting in real time to lend to their new traveling style as well as their faces somewhat elongating and their teeth growing sharper (Foxan clothes are designed to stretch with this transformation so they are not ripped apart by the change and size each time). In either form this race is covered with long, surprisingly soft fur of a typically reddish-brown color, their slitted eyes perfect for seeing in the dark.

Genetics and Reproduction

Foxan reproduction is quite similar to that of a human, aside from the fact that twins, triplets, and quadruplets are far more common than just a singular baby. In addition, on average Foxans will reproduce fewer times in the lives that the average human will.

Ecology and Habitats

Foxans can thrive in lower temperatures due to their coats of fur providing excellent insulation from that type of environment, but typically they prefer living in cooler forest environments as they seem to have a certain affinity and preference for trees, perhaps ingrained evolutionarily or as an undisclosed facet of their religious or otherwise metaphysical beliefs.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Foxans are omnivores, but have a unique regard for life in general, and thus most typically avoid eating the meat of other animals aside from bugs. This makes vegetables and fruits the largest parts of their diets, along with mushrooms and other grains to supplement.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

160 IQ

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As previously stated, Foxans see quite well in the dark as their eyes exceed at gathering in minuscule amounts of light for perception, leading many Foxans to be nocturnal creatures. In addition, their senses of hearing are fantastic due to their large hypersensitive ears, and their senses of smell are nothing to scoff at either.
Average Height
5’/4’ (Varies depending on form)
Average Weight
100/190 lbs (Varies depending on form)
Geographic Distribution
Related Organizations
Related Technologies


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