Lower Sedas Building / Landmark in Aventyr | World Anvil
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Lower Sedas

"At the bottom of the stairwell is a long atrium. Down the centre of the room a walkway of dimly glowing purple light passes down the centre. It leads to the far end of the room where there are two matching thrones. Behind the thrones are steps leading to a ring-like precipice - a sight very much familiar to me. There are murals on the domed ceiling of this place, etched in the stones, somehow protected from erosion throughout the ages. The murals depict four things. First, a world of light and darkness is set afire by a dragon with five heads. Second, five men, each a Sedashan Bard inhabiting one of the five cortexes and which are carving a world from a block of marble. Third, a five-headed dragon pulled into the marble world where it is trapped. Fourth, the five cortexes encircle two young women who are each gripping a staff on either end, each wearing a crown that looks like the Crown of Sedas." - from the journal of Feye Lyne
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