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Mako Mwala (a.k.a. The Wandering Light)

Mako was born in the Tortle homeland of Chult, an island in the south-west of the Forgotten Realms. He had twelve siblings but has grown distant from all of them as time has gone on. At almost 1 year old Mako's parents died of natural causes, which is common in the Tortle race. However, this left him and his family to survive on their own.   At ten, there was a spark for adventure that awoke in his spirit. Mako jumped on a boat for the main-lands and left his siblings and Chult behind him. He has never looked back, as his relationship with his brothers and sisters never felt healthy. Mako's fascination with history, maps and most importantly the deities of the world, was peculiar to them. Most Tortles have no interest in the Gods of the Multiverse, but his thirst of understanding drove Mako to explore.   Within his first few years on his own, Mako had found the House of Lathandar and discovered he was able to understand and generate magic from Lathandar's domain. This immediately fueled all desire for him to begin studying other Gods to try and understand their different domains and abilities.   Ten years later, he has studied multiple different cultures, creatures, cities, races and deities...Gaining an incredible amount of knowledge and stories to tell (as well as several useful spells). Mako has begun to write a book, chronicling his experiences, his stories and his knowledge of mastering the multi-universe.   As Mako reaches the half-way point of his species' lifespan, he knows that now is the time to gather as much content from the world as document the memoirs and adventures that he has been lucky enough to have experienced.  

Divine Domains

Mako has studied deities in almost every domain known...including Death. He has been affiliated with SEVERAL religious groups and fanatics on his journeys through the Forgotten Realms. Because of this, some groups may shun him while others fear him. However, there are several Life domain followers that will come to his aid no matter what, since he had studied their God.   Mastered studies over (among others):
  • Lathander, god of birth and renewal
  • Helm, god of protection
  • Bahamut, dragon god of good
  • Dol Arrah, goddess of Sunlight and Honor
  • Leira, goddess of Illusion
  • Myrkul, god of death
  • Kelemvor, god of the dead
  • Bane, god of tyranny

Holy Books & Codes

Mako carries a few books on him, one of them being an ancient text that cannot fall into the wrong hands.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

There are several symbols and sigils magically etched on the back of his shell. As he gains additional knowledge and understanding of certain deities, more symbols will appear on his shell.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Mako, like most Tortles, is pretty large when standing next to most other adventurers. However, most of his size is due to his enormous shell on his back, which makes up for most of his 425 lbs. His build is defined, but that is mostly because of the need to carry around his shell.

Body Features

His shell is almost 3x the size of his body, which causes him to slump over a little bit at the weight of carrying something so heavy. His head stands at about 5'11" but his shell towers to almost 7" tall and is very wide, filling up an entire 5 foot radius. It is difficult for him to fit into small areas due to the girth of his shell.

Identifying Characteristics

His shell, which is very large compared to his body, is covered in markings of the deities he has studied over the years. Once he obtains enough information, he can feel some sort of magical energy etching the symbols into his shell. This usually pairs with an ability to use some sort of magic that relates to that deity's domain. These symbols will glow when he uses the magic obtained by that deity. As he obtains more and more information, more and more symbols appear on his shell.

Special abilities

As he uses his magic, the etched symbols on his shell glow with radiant light...or with darkened smoke depending on the domain that deity resides in.

Apparel & Accessories

Mako doesn't wear much clothes or armor, as he has no need. He wears a loin-cloth to make others feel comfortable, but wouldn't wear anything otherwise. He also wears a white headband that was given to him by one of his first mentors. He often times uses a pair of goggles that rest around his neck as well to get a closer look at scriptures and critters he wants to study.

Mental characteristics


After leaving home at a young age, Mako has taught himself everything he knows about the history and religions of the Forgotten Realms. He seeks out knowledge of different cultures and towns and the people who made an impact on them. Often times, you can find him pouring into books at the library in town into the early hours of the morning.


Mako picks up odd jobs around towns that involve investigating something that he finds curious. He is a knowledge-seeker, so he tends to agree to things that normal adventures may see as dangerous or even suicidal. Because he travels from town to town, he hasn't held up an actual job, just a freelance cleric.

Mental Trauma

Mako still deals with the fact that his siblings pretty much shunned him as a little Tortle. As with most Tortles, Mako's parents died within the first year of his life. After learning to survive he immediately began taken an interest in the history of their realm and the deities that rule over it. His brothers and sisters thought that odd and began pushing him away. He left Chult and his family behind at the age of 10 and has never looked back.

Personality Characteristics


Mako is always wanting to help people and to keep the weak safe. He will obide by the law until he feels that it may be harming ones who do not deserve that ruling.

Likes & Dislikes

Mako LOVES a good mystery and will often be distracted by obtaining more knowledge while adventuring. He often cannot stay in one location for too long, his Tortle instincts keep him moving from town to town.

Virtues & Personality perks

Incredibly knowledgeable with different deities, general history and religions of current region. Will always help those in needed or those who he feels are being treated unfairly.

Vices & Personality flaws

Keeping secrets is hard for Mako. Also, can't stay grounded in a location for too long...always has a need to travel and adventure.


Family Ties

FAMILY TREE NOT AVAILABLE   Has pretty much broken all ties, however his was originally from the Mwala family in Chult. His family is now who he travels with from location to location.
  • Father: Kragrog (deceased)
  • Mother: Azlen (deceased)
  • Sister: Kulu (horrible relationship)
  • Brother: Jemo (horrible relationship)
  • Brother: Kreke (good relationship)
  • Cousin: Koopa (good relationship)
  • Most other family members/siblings: (horrible relationship)

Religious Views

Because of his thirst for knowledge, Mako believes in multiple Deities and doesn't find it plausible for there only to be one ruler of the universe. He has no boundaries on the types of deities he will study, which sometimes gets him in sticky situations.

Social Aptitude

Not incredibly confident in his speaking and ability to read social cues. He knows much of his etiquette from books and not experience, so he can sometimes be awkward in conversation.
Lawful Good
Circumstances of Birth
Mako was born on the island of Chult and had 12 other siblings. Within his first year, his parents died of natural causes.
Current Residence
His Shell
Light Green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark Green, scaly
Head: 5'11" Shell: 7'
Known Languages
Abyssal, Aquan, Celestial and Common
Played by:
Mike (TheWizardsGuide)

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