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Seltern O'Branch - CHAT

Seltern O'Branch is a Gnome Druid that often partners with Priests, Sages, and Scribes at Elturel's High Hall Cathedral. He is a master of using nature magic, in tune with animals and living forces around him, but rarely chooses to shapeshift. He is light-hearted, likes to tell a good joke and make other's laugh, and gets fascinated with the unknown. Adventuring and exploring speak to his heart, but lately he hasn't been able to do either as he has worked more closely with the High Hall council.   During the Fall of Elturel, he was part of the initial defense of the High Hall Cathedral. They group came upon him while investigating the aftermath, and found him feigning his death amongst corpses of his peers.   He immediately grew a bond with Nessa - fascinated with her Satyr heritage. Now, with the player group, he has found his joy in adventuring again.  

Actions Available:



Seltern is able to summon (at random) a bat, frog, or rat from the hat. The critter that gets summoned isn't under the control of Seltern and is able to act out of their free-will, often times running as far away as possible. The creature disappears after 1 hour or if it drops to 0 HP. Seltern can use this up to 3 times a day, and the hat regains its chargers at every sunrise.  

Bag of Beans

Seltern pulls a bean from the bag at random and plants it in the ground. After watering the bean and waiting 1 minute, the bean produces a random effect that can either hurt or help the group. If Seltern decides to dump out all of the beans instead of planting them, each individual in a 10-foot radius must make a DEX saving throw or take 5d4 damage (half on a failed save).  

Deck of Illusions

Seltern draws a card at random from the deck and is able to throw this card up to 30ft. A random illusion pops up from the card that looks and acts identical to the living being. Seltern can command the illusion to move anywhere within 30ft of the card. Once a card is used and the illusion is dispelled, the card magically evaporates into thin air and cannot be used again.  

Wand of Smiles

When a creature gets hit by this wand, it must succeed in a Charisma Saving Throw or it is forced to smile and laugh uncontrollably for 1 minute. The target has to be within a range of 30ft. This can be used up to 3 times per day.    

Muroosa Balm

This balm helps prevent sunburn, but if the user lathers it on for 1 minute, it will also make them resistent to any fire damage for 1 hour.      

Acid Vial

Seltern can splash the contents of the vial on target up to 5ft away or throw the vial up to 20ft. If hit, the target takes 2d6 acid damage.    

Bag of Ball Bearings

This bag contains 1000 ball bearings. Seltern can choose to empty portions of the bag (250 at at a time) to cover a 10ft square. Any creature that attempts to cross through the square must succeed in a DEX Saving Throw or fall prone.    

Spells Available:


Produce Flame

A flicker flame appears in Seltern's hand and sheds light in a 20-foot radius. The flame doesn't harm Seltern. Seltern can hurl the ball of flame up to 30ft away and when it hits a target, it takes 2d8 damage.      

Thorn Whip

Seltern creates a long vine-like whip covered in thorns at a target within 30ft. If the whip connects with target, they take 2d6 piercing damage and pulls the target 10ft toward Seltern.      


For 1 minute, Seltern will have advantage on all Charisma (deception, intimidation, persuasion, performance) skill checks directed toward a non-hostile target. However, after the spell's duration, the target will realize Seltern charmed them and will become hostile.    


Seltern can create up to 10 berries per cast that are infused with magic. A creature can restore 1HP per berry eaten, and one berry provides enough nourishment to sustain a creature for one day.      

Faerie Fire

All objects in a 20ft cube within range begin to glow either blue, green, or violet light. Any creature that fails a DEX save also gets outlined in the color and any attack rolls made on that creature have advantage. The affected creature also cannot go invisible.   

Cure Wounds

A creature that Seltern touches gets healed by 1d8. If Seltern uses a higher spell slot, the heal increases by 1d8 per level of spell slot used. This spell has no affect on undead or constructs.     

Enhance Ability

Seltern touches a target and bestows a magical enhancement. He can give the target either Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Eagle's Splendor, Fox's Cunning, or Owl's Wisdom.    


A silver beam of light creates a cylinder 5ft wide and 40ft tall that lasts 1 minute. Any creature that walks into the beam or starts their turn in the beam takes 2d10 radiant damage on a CON saving throw. Seltern can use an action to move the beam up to 60ft.  

Snowball Swarm

Seltern makes a flurry of magic snowballs erupt in target area within 90ft range. Anything inside of target area must make a DEX Saving Throw or take 3d6 damage.
Curly Gray/White
45 lbs

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