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Taven (a.k.a. "The Hunter")

At a very young age Taven lost the only life he had ever known when his village was attacked. Most of the settlement, his friends, and more devastatingly, his parents, were all killed in the raid. Taven was forced to move in with his Uncle and Aunt in a neighboring community that was shelted by the protection of the Flaming Fist mercenary army. He grew up learning the ways of a soldier, and eventually enlisted as a new recruit, just as his Uncle and Aunt had done before him.   His entire career he climbed the ranks, with the support of his only surviving family members. He eventually became a General and found himself responsible for the lives of his unit. By this time, some other, younger, members of the Fist had been promoted to higher ranks around Taven. There had seemed to be some sideways deals going on within the organization and even some agreed contracts that did not sit well with Taven and his honor. He had stumbled onto some dark things going on and he decided that it was his time to retire from the only thing he dedicated his life to.    Once again, his entire life was reset.   After leaving the Fist, Taven made a living by using his soldier-given talents as a Bounty Hunter. Over the last couple years, Taven had become one of the most well-known Bounty Hunters in and around Baldur's Gate and had earned the title as "THE Hunter" people would want for their jobs. There had been a contract or two where even old associates of his, Flaming Fist members, were his target. He'd carry out those jobs successfully and move on to the next one.   The corruption inside of the Fist bled out into those in leadership in Baldur's Gate. Taven joined a small group who attempted a Coup to remove this evil power from the city, however the attempt was in vein...Now, Taven finds himself looking face-to-face with one of his old Captains (Captain Darmin Zodge ), who is now leading Taven's new found friends into a suicide mission against Followers of The Dead Three .  

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Taven is in amazing condition for his age, incredibly strong and atheletic stature about him. His build, with his bald head, and scar over his left eye, make him an intimidating presence when he intends to be.

Facial Features

He's got a big black beard that balances out his bald head. He also has a large and noticeable scar that goes over his left eye.

Apparel & Accessories

Taven is normally wearing his armor plating with multiple weapons strapped to his waist and back.

Mental characteristics


For most of his career, he worked as a member of the Flaming Fist . His Aunt and Uncle were affiliated with the group at one point and that opened the door for him to begin climbing the ranks. He got so far as becoming a General and being responsible for several soldiers. However, recently he left the mercenary Army and has taken up the role of a Bounty Hunter to earn a living.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Numerous accomplishments while in the ranks of the Flaming Fist, enough to work his way to General.   He's also exceled in his new career as a Bounty Hunter. He's strictly known as "The Hunter," around Baldur's Gate because of how successful he is in his line of work.

Mental Trauma

As a young child, his village was attacked and his parents were executed during the raid. He still has flashes of that night playout in his nightmares, but he often times hides how much this moment haunts him.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Loves playing Knuckle Bones, learned to play as a kid and used it as a time-killer while in the military.

Virtues & Personality perks

Taven is incredibly loyal to those he is close to. Because of the trauma as a child, he views his close friends and colleagues as his family. If you cross one of them, you will often see Taven taking up for them.    He is also very brave, he'd be one of the first individuals to run into danger.


Family Ties

His mother and father were murdered during an attack on his village as a child. He was raised by his Aunt and Uncle, which led him into the ranks of the Flaming Fist.

Social Aptitude

Taven can been seen as a bit smug and quiet in certain social situations. However, after getting some ale in him it is clear that he is just reserved, as the alcohol tends to loosen him up and make him pretty goofy.
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Hunter
Ex-General (Flaming Fist)
Bald with black beard
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Abyssal, Common
Played by:
Mario (TacticalPanda007)  

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