Widain Species in Čavijet | World Anvil
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The Widain is a small bird native to Močavi and is well-known for the poison stored in its skin and feathers and its ability to act as an antidote to other poisons. The bird is hunted for its poison but is quite hard to catch due to its brown coloration which allows it to easily hide in the marsh grass.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The bird's breeding season is during Močavi's dry season during which the marshes and grasses dry up and turn brown providing excellent cover for their nests which are woven from dead grass. Each clutch usually consists of four eggs which are incubated for weeks.

Ecology and Habitats

The Widain lives on the outskirts of swamps and marshes and in tall, grassy fields, making nests of dead grass on the ground during the dry season.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Able to resists their poisons, the Widain feeds on insects and small frogs that most other animals avoid. The bird sequesters the toxins in its skin and feathers giving itself a natural defense mechanism.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The bird's skin and feathers contains poisons that it has absorbed from its prey with some changes in composition. This poison is used to make antidotes that can counter many of Močavi's creature's poisons and it is thus hunted down for collection.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The Widain is found in central Močavi throughout most of the year but migrate a small distance North in the winter.
10 years
Conservation Status
Near threatened
Average Length
6 in
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The widain is dark brown in coloration with lighter brown patches and flecks of white over its body. Its beak and feet are black.
The codenames of Regional Officers of The Nest stationed in Močavi pay homage to the Widain with the officers of The Feather and The Blade taking the names Widain's Antidote and Widain's Poison respectively.


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