Vincent Aweburn Character in Aviron | World Anvil

Vincent Aweburn


Vincent is relatively slender, lean, slightly stocky despite his height, He has dark brown hair that is very short, sleightly longer on top than on the sides and combed up. He has his fathers brown eyes. His skin is mildly tan, but not as tanned as his fathers. He has his mothers sharp features, so a trimmed face for the most part. He has a small scar above his right eyebrow from a previous encounter while with the Rolling Autumn against some gnolls. He doesnt grow facial hair as well as his father so he makes an effort to keep it clean cut despite its inconvenience. His right pinkie is slightly shorter, having loss the very tip of it during a carpentry accident with a saw.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vincent grew up in a simple life and simple home. He spent most of his childhood learning about life side by side with his sister. His parents were Scyndar followers, believing strongly in house and home. He was content. Life was about work, working in the fields, learning a trade. Hoping one day he could make a living building furniture and craftsmanship. Not long after he was old enough to work, his younger brother Reed was born. Vincent had his first experience trying to be a role model. His brother looked up to him, and it made Vince feel important, like a teacher, like his dad is to him. Life was good. At least at the time. Vincent and his family lived on the edge of their community. His father liked the privacy. This proved not to last. A clan of orcs had been storming the countryside, but it seemed too far away to be something to fear. They just kept living their lives. The officials and nobles in town spread the news of growing worry in the kingdom. Still, his father paid no mind. "They always try to stir our fears, in hopes we won't question their decisions" he would say.

However, the day no one expected, or at the very least prepared for, came to pass. Orcs tore through the fields, those on the inner part of the community were rushed to the center, many spared as a result. However, for those on the outside, they felt it first. They tore through the house. My parents grabbed my sister and me and headed for the cellar, nearly being harried in the process. Locking it behind us. They destroyed our home. Everything tore apart clothes and furniture, threw stored vegetables on the ground. Our house was torn asunder, leaving it in disrepair. We rose from the cellar the following day, the danger passed...but something was missing... Where is Reed? He was spending the day with the Tossles' children...but he would usually return in the evening. Where is he? My father and I scanned the wreckage in desperation, miles of houses pillaged, fields trampled. We went to the Tossles' home, to find it burnt to ash. All Vincent found was his brother’s favorite blanket, spattered with blood. His brother was presumed dead, as many of his kind were found, orcs not thinking much of halflings or finding use in anything other than a kill.

His family sat for what seemed forever in silence, until later that day a group of clergymen arrived, bringing food, water, supplies. A man came to my family, helped get my sister and I clean, brought us some food, even offered to cook it for us. He sat with me for a while as I refused to speak, his name was Garren. He was a "Protector" as he called it. After a conversation between him and my father, he learned we had lost my brother, he meant a lot to me. He sat next to me for a while longer, and gave me some food. He told stories about how he had lost many friends and family, and how sad he had been, but now there came a day when he realized that he could not fault the world for what he lost, but simply go forward to try and help those who went through the same, and ease their struggle. Even at times, striking away those things in the world that brought that pain, and defending the defenseless. He sounded strong and brave, I felt I was neither. He said to me "courage is merely an action, it's the meaning behind it that makes the difference," he left me with a book. Told me that there was much in the world he wished to change and that it would take many a person to do so, no matter how small.

Vincent realized that the world may be a tough place, and he missed his brother greatly, but maybe he could spare others, protect them…. Defend them, so they could be free of what his family was not. His parents moved closer into town; fear had made them pursue company.

Vincent took what money he intended to use for his future career, and put it forth to the church, in hopes he could become a servant, protector, of the people. His parents disapproved, scared to lose another son, but they could not stop him… his sister was the only one to support his choice, knowing he was doing it, not for himself, but others. He set off to find Garren in hopes he could guide him.

And at the Crux of his 28th birthday he found Garren as he was traveling from place to place, paying tithe and serving the poor. He begged for guidance, and Garren responded, seeing that a great light lived in this small halfling. In time he learned of the work of Ahk (after he learned to read) and realized his services were best in defending good and order, eventually taking up the sword. He hoped to destroy the things that brought pain to people. Protect them from what his village felt. It was shortly after this that Garren advised him to seek out companions and challenge the world as it was vast and in need. He joined the Adventurers Guild and found himself among his first traveling companions, the Rolling Autumn. They were a merry bunch, and Vince enjoyed the companionship. They traveled much of Amaria together, amassing funds by doing odd jobs for nobles or cities with a "monster problem". After a while his group mates began to feel very content, the missions or quests grew further apart, but he felt they weren't doing enough, changing enough lives. They were in it for the coin and the experience they said, they wished not to rush to an early grave. He learned from a letter his parents had arranged a marriage, in hopes of increasing their estate, and ergo being safer in the future Vincent knew they were right, but it was content that cost many of his villagers their lives, and he could not be so. He decided that he needed a change, in hopes of doing more, he left the Rolling Autumn, wishing them well, in hopes he could make a bigger impact on the evil that seemed to act in the world.

So, he set off to find new companions, in hopes they would be as driven as he was. He hears word of them from time to time, they had begun a tavern together, The Smiling Willow, becoming much more free-lance. He hoped to visit it one day and catch up with old friends. The world was in front of him, much of it dark, and he will do his best to change it.


  • Adolescence: No schooling
  • Childhood: Apprenticeship
  • Young Adult: Home schooled
  • Career: Self-taught
  • Personality Characteristics


    I hold no greater cause than service to my people.

    Savvies & Ineptitudes

    I have much to learn from the kindly people I meet along the way.

    Virtues & Personality perks

    I have a strong code of honor or sense of propriety that others would not understand. I have an unintentional dislike of orcs, abrasive when he is around them due to his past. When he sees an orc band doing evil, it becomes his first priority.

    Vices & Personality flaws

    I dont take kindly to some of the actions and motivations of the people of this land, because these folks are different from me.


    Contacts & Relations

  • Best Friends: One
  • Friends: 1
  • Acquaintances: 29
  • Enemy: Former Spouse died 15 years ago.
  • Family Ties

    Beth Hallowseed: Spouse When we were engaged, Vincent did not know much about her aside from what has been described in letters. She is a slim halfling, daughter of a large estate owner in SummerWell. She is described as having red hair, green eyes, and has a graceful demeanor. The letters from his mother say that she is a gentle soul and a painter. We get along fine and our marriage is work but it is pleasant work.

  • 1 daughter Justine
  • Mother deceased, Father alive
  • Grandparents 1 alive, -Great Grandparents 1 alive,
  • Parents
  • Honor: Famous Dead NPC +6
  • Social Class is tradesman
  • Nerric Aweburn, Father: Nerric is very stout in his old age, greying hairs on the side that merge into sideburns down his weathered face, black across the top. His eyes are oak brown. He is an inch shorter than Vincent but insists he is an inch taller. A hard-working man he has very tanned skin and weathered calloused hands. He wears very plain clothes, although on fancy occasions he breaks out his favorite green vest. He rambles often when he is talking and tends to go on tangents a lot and forget what he was saying. Uses farm life as an allegory metaphor or simile for everything (ex: “life is like tilling the fields'' or, “marriage is like bailing hay”). He is nearsighted but refuses to get glasses.


    Tenma Aweburn, Mother: Tenma is somewhat slimmer than her husband, Vincent's body type reflects this. She has shoulder-length dark brown hair that she keeps in a bun most of the time. She has pale blue eyes. She is a simple woman, a worrier. Soft-spoken for the most part she kind of just lets life go. She writes to Vincent often to hear about his adventures. She wears glasses and reads many local tavern articles, although she never travels. She gets very solemn whenever the year reaches the anniversary of ‘the incident’ and is hardly seen or heard on the days surrounding it. She is quite the baker and has taken up a baking business locally after they moved closer to the center of Summerwell. She hopes Vincent will return to meet his intended bride, thinks settling down will be good for him.

    Della, twin sister: Della and Vincent are fraternal twins, Vincent resembles his mother for the most part, the dark brown hair and slim build. Della although not as stout as their father, does share that trait to some degree. She also has black hair, but she keeps it trimmed very short, having been accustomed to working on the farm (by her own volition). She has blue eyes like her mother, however. She does not enjoy “dressing fancy” and thinks the measure of someone is in their work. Much like Vincent before he left, she is not very educated, having never taken to it. She helps both Mother and Father with their respective work, especially father as he ages, as they desperately try (and due to her disposition, fail) to marry her off. She has a habit of wearing the same clothes she works in to meet her suitors. She understands Vincent's reason for leaving but also thinks he is a bit rash, and could still find a purpose at home, helping the family.

    Reed, younger brother: Reed was a young halfling who took after his mother, like Vincent, in terms of build and blue eyes. His hair was also black like Della’s, and he was a very energy-riddled youngling. He loved to go out and create stories in his head, play with sticks, pretend he was a soldier or a knight, or at times a dragon. He was friends with the Tossle’s child, Kent, who he was spending time with during the event. He had a blue and green blanket that had originally been made by our grandmother, that he kept with him constantly. He loved to listen to his mother read the tavern review articles, enjoying their fancy names, and dreamed of traveling when he was older. The day he was lost, he was wearing his small black overalls, over a plain white shirt.

    Archetype: Fighter
    Principled Scrupulous (Good)
    Current Status
    Constable of Ahk in Summerwell
    Current Location
    Honorary & Occupational Titles
    Currently Held Titles
    Date of Birth
    9 April 3734
    Date of Death
    29 August 3807
    Year of Birth
    3734 AR 34 Years old
    Circumstances of Birth
    Leopard is my astrological totem
    Circumstances of Death
    I will die fighting and defending my home
    Current Residence
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations
    Known Languages
    Common, Elf
    Ruled Locations

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  • Character Portrait image: by Scott Stokes


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