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Fictional langage 1 - EN


Writing System

Inspiration Mandarin, Arabic, Korean, French (accents) ??


SO VERY temporary (I'm really feel not competent to choose a right phonology) :   VOYELLES (13)
  • A -- Âme -- (ɑ) (a) -- transcribed A
  • E -- jeûne -- (ø) (ə̠) (ə) -- transcribed E
  • É -- pré -- (e) -- transcribed 7
  • È -- prêt -- (ɛ) (ɛ:) -- transcribed 2
  • EUHH -- jeune -- (œ) -- transcribed 9
  • I -- ici -- (i) (i:) -- transcribed I
  • O -- paume -- (o) -- transcribed O
  • EO -- pomme -- (ɔ) -- transcribed 8
  • OU -- vous -- (u) (u:) -- transcribed U
  • U -- vu -- (y) -- transcribed Y
  • ON -- ongle -- (ɔ̃~] -- transcribed §
  • AN -- angle -- (ɑ~) -- transcribed *
  • UN -- singe -- œ̃~ (ɛ~) -- transcribed 1
  • B -- bébé -- ( b ) -- transcribed B
  • SS -- sas -- ( s ) -- transcribed S
  • D -- dandy -- ( d ) -- transcribed D
  • F -- fief -- ( f ) -- transcribed F
  • G -- gag -- ( g ) -- transcribed G
  • H -- Rhaa -- ( h ) -- transcribed H
  • J -- jauge -- ( ʒ ) -- transcribed J
  • K / Q -- coq -- ( k ) -- transcribed K
  • L -- lol -- ( l ) -- transcribed L
  • M -- même -- ( m ) -- transcribed M
  • N -- nid -- ( n ) -- transcribed N
  • P -- pape -- ( p ) -- transcribed P
  • R -- rare -- ( ʀ ) -- transcribed R
  • T -- téter -- ( t ) -- transcribed T
  • V -- vive -- ( v ) -- transcribed V
  • W -- waw -- ( w ) -- transcribed W
  • Z -- zizi -- ( z ) -- transcribed Z
  • CH / SH -- chiche -- ( ʃ ) -- transcribed X
  • GN -- peigne -- ( ɲ ) -- transcribed 3
  • NG -- ping pong -- ( ŋ ) -- transcribed }
  • I-LL -- yo-yo -- ( j ) -- transcribed #
  • TCH -- ?? -- ?? -- transcribed ;
  • DJ -- DJ --?? -- transcribed %


The language works with "blocks", which are place right next to words, in order to change their nature/function :   SUFFIXE (after a word): Honorific : Word + ;A (tcha) -->
Subject : Word + XI (shi) --> Saeng-shi ouin (S2}-XI U1) -- Child cries
adressee (datif) : Word + X2 (shè) --> … eun zar djétu-shae (EN ZAR%7TU-X2) -- … gives money to seller
to speaker : Word + #8 (yeo) --> Eun-yeo (EN-#8) -- My money
to interlocutor : Word + #Y (yu) --> Saeng-yu (S2}-#Y) -- Your child
to outsider : Word + #7 (yé) --> Tang-yé (T*}-#7) His happiness
Identity (member of) : Word + YI (ui) --> -ui (-YI) -- Citizen of Kojanli
Verb + (doing something) :
  PREFIXE (before a word) : new / posterior : KO + Word --> Ko-pong (KO-P§}) -- Progeny
Old / previous/former : OK + Word --> Ok-pong (OK-P§}) -- Ancestry
Genuine/true : D2 (dae) + Word --> Dae-eol (D28L) -- true beauty
Facticious/artificial : W§} (Wong) + word --> Wong-tanng (W§}-T*}) Fake happiness
With the quality of (full) : ;8 (tchoe) + Word --> Tcheo-Li (;8-LI) -- Ambitious (full of ambition)
Without the quality of (less) : MI + Word --> Mi-neotchi (MI-N8;I) -- Obscure (without light)
From : AN + Word -->
To : NA + Word -->
Agent (driver / doctor) : %7 (djé) + Word --> Djé-ép (%7-7P) -- Warrior (agent of war)
highest (honorifique) : O8 (oeo) + Word --> Oeo-djé-wang (O8-%7-WA}) -- highest administrator
  The concept "Ok / Ko" designates what is first (Ok), as opposed to what is after (Ko), linked to what was until then.
Thus, the family of birth is first and was our only family, until we married and begat our own family.
Similarly, the distinction of a new generation is only possible by considering the previous generation (ancestry is first on the family tree, and was its culmination, until the arrival of descendants).
Yesterday always precedes today,
just as twilight is the new light, because dawn was first.
In the same spirit, first motherhood is passive, when the child is still in the womb; then comes new motherhood, when mother and child face each other.
Revenge only comes after the first violence, and the cycle is endless.   The concept "An / Na" designates a movement, conscious or not, voluntary or not, related to the consequence of experiences.
Saeng (child) An-Saeng: leaving childhood to become an adult. Na-saeng : to rediscover one's inner child.
(violence) An : trauma. Na : plunge into violence.
(love) An : built with the love given to him. Na : on the way to finding love and giving it.
(member of) An-ui : deserter (from work, family, army...) Na-ui : aspirant (fiancé, trainee...) ????


First names considered :   Devoid of wickedness : MINALI
Free from suffering :
Devoid of fear :
Devoid of mediocrity :
Filled with beauty : ;8-8L (Tcheol)
Filled with desire :
Full of power :
Full of happiness :
Full of possibilities : ;8PUN (TcheoPoun)
Full of light :
Full of sweetness :
Full of love :
Filled with music :
Full of reasoning :
Filled with righteousness : ;8MAEM (TcheoMaeum)
New beauty :
New desire :
New power :
New happiness :
New possibilities : KOPUN
New Light : KON8;I (KoNeotchi)
New friendship :
New music :
New thought :
New Day :
New Generation :
Old/first/former/previous Beauty :
Old/first/former/previous desire : OKLI
Old/first/former/previous power :
Old/first/former/previous happiness :
Old/first/former/previous treasure :
Ancient/firstformer/previous word :
Ancient/first/former/previous music :
Ancient/first/former/previous snow :
Ancient/first/former/previous tree :
True beauty :
True desire :
True power :
True happiness :


Verbs are conjugated according to level of discourse, temporality, and modality. All nouns need to be revised.
Temporality is divided into present, past and future. → probably doubled for a more precise temporality/duration:
  • Present simple
  • Past simple
  • Future simple
  • present continuous/backward
  • past continuous/backward - far future
"Naked" modality is active, adding infix changes mode to passive, imperative, causal and conditional :
- Passive (to temporized) - Causal (to temporized) - imperative - conditional

Structural Markers

Speech level : 2 possibilities !  


  1. Particular behavior is required when addressing infinitely more venerable than oneself (kings, gods). The same behavior is expected when making a solemn commitment (union, enlistment, admission of guilt, important promise, etc.). More rarely, this speech is used to express admiration (for a woman, a work of art, a philosophy, etc.) but this is criticized in conservative circles.
  2. This speech is used to acknowledge that the person you are addressing deserves special consideration, but this does not mean that you consider yourself inferior. A polite or gallant person is simply showing respect. Men use this language to speak to women formally.
  3. To be professional, polite or distant, but without inducing recognition of superiority or inferiority, we use this level of speech. Women use it to speak to men formally.
  4. It's possible to assert authority while remaining courteous. Typically, a parent punishing his child, or a superior ordering his subordinates around, use this type of speech. It's the superior talking to the inferior.
  5. The exact opposite of speech level 2 : this is used to make it clear that the person you're addressing deserves no consideration, but that doesn't mean you consider yourself to have authority over them. It is used in particular towards prisoners, immoral people, those who have hurt us deeply, and sometimes towards slaves.
  6. Unlike all other forms of speech, this language expresses genuine familiarity and closeness to the speaker, and therefore rejects any consideration of authority or submission. A sibling, couple or group of friends will commonly use it, as will children between themselves.
  7. Between formality and familiarity, this language is designed to charm, soften, persuade and endear. It's the weapon of the flirt, the sycophant, the child charmer, and so on. Beware : depending on the situation, it may be frowned upon to use it.
  8. This last speech is neutral ; it has no social significance and is used only to describe a scene, rendering information as it is. It can also be used to declare : "It's delicious!", "It's raining", etc.


  1. Particular behavior is required when addressing someone infinitely more venerable than oneself (kings, gods). The same behavior is expected when making a solemn commitment (union, enlistment, admission of guilt, important promise, etc.). More rarely, this speech is used to express admiration (for a woman, a work of art, a philosophy, etc.) but this is criticized in conservative circles.
  2. Particular language is expected when addressing a recognized social class (nobility, bellatores, oratores). Regardless of the individual and his exactions, specific consideration is due to the social class to which he belongs. In a formal setting, this discourse is therefore required, all the more so when you yourself are of a lower class (laboratores, slave).
  3. This level of speech is used to be professional and polite to the person you're addressing, while asserting that their status doesn't entitle them to any particular respect. It should therefore be used for laboratores, children, etc.
  4. Unlike all other forms of discourse, this language expresses genuine familiarity and closeness with the speaker, and therefore rejects any consideration of authority or submission. A sibling, couple or group of friends will commonly use it, as will children between themselves.
  5. Between formality and familiarity, this language is designed to charm, soften, persuade and endear. It's the weapon of the flirt, the sycophant, the child charmer, and so on. Beware: depending on the situation, it may be frowned upon to use it.
  6. This last speech is neutral; it has no social significance and is used only to describe a scene, rendering information as it is. It is also used to declare: "It's delicious", "It's raining", etc.
Common Unisex Names
First names considered :   Devoid of wickedness : MINALI
Filled with beauty: ;8-8L (Tcheol)
Full of possibilities: ;8PUN (TcheoPoun)
Filled with righteousness: ;8MAEM (TcheoMaeum)
New possibilities: KOPUN
New Light: KON8;I (KoNeotchi)
Old/first/former/previous desire : OKLI

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