Lost in Midstar Epilogue Prose in Avôra | World Anvil
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Lost in Midstar Epilogue

I found myself in my bedroom, just as I had left it a couple weeks ago. The portal behind me closed shortly after, and the room was completely silent accept for a slight buzz in my ears. I scanned my surroundings. I put my other outfit on my bed. I took my belt off, and took the scabbard off of it. I went over to my closet, and put it in the very back behind the shoeboxes and other disheveled items that were lying in there. Pretty sure that breaks all of the city’s knife laws, I thought to myself. I went over and sat on my bed, processing all that had happened. I realized I would never see them again. I heard a rustle from the floor, and I turned my head. It was some of the spell papers. My heart jumped. I grabbed it and looked through it. There was a diagram of the portal and the magic spell circle that Gorothin made. I folded them up and went over to my bookshelf. I slid it into the cover of my copy of Gulliver's Travels. After that, I yelled, “Mom, Dad, are you guys home?”


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