Maiden of Mysticism, Part 2 - "The Sorcerer of Tuin" Prose in Avôra | World Anvil
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Maiden of Mysticism, Part 2 - "The Sorcerer of Tuin"

Just west of the Drake Mountains on the Edge of Tuin (Tuin means “West” in Faenir for those of you unfamiliar with the continent of Odránidir), there was a ruined fortress called Dunnâm-Grod. While this fortress had been abandoned since the mid Second Era (approximately 3,450 years ago, give or take), there was one who found it’s dark and gloomy atmosphere most hospitable and appropriate for his kind of work. The being I am referring to is sorcerer named Zhethgeit, a wielder of dark powers. When he was born, his father (whose name is undisclosed) had some unknown and unfortunate dealings with a demon. His wife had been with child, and the demon placed a curse on their unborn son. While Zhethgeit was not an inherently evil man by nature, his ability to wield black magic pushed him down a path of insanity and maliciousness. On one of his tables, there was a crystal ball which allowed him to gaze upon the world from afar. When he discovered Narvyri, he was first captured by her fairness. Then, as he watched the magic powers she had unfold, he came to a realization. This maiden can wield sorcery on her own, he thought. Perhaps she might be the key to better understanding magical blessings and curses? I must study this girl’s powers not from afar, but personally. But how should I go about it? I know! I shall travel to her homestead and use my magic and brilliance to do away with her in the dark of night. Zhethgeit, good sir, you have such marvelous ideas! And so this plan he followed through with. For many weeks, he travelled on his own to the town of Easthill, disguised as nothing more than a pilgrim.   During a warm summer’s night, Narvyri slept in her room with the shutters open, allowing a soft night breeze to blow into the house. As she lied there in deep slumber, a figure creeped in though the window without a sound he stood over Narvyri and put his hand to her forehead, putting her into a completely unconscious (not to say that she was dead. She was far from it). He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, and crept pack out the window. He made a dash through the streets and out the edge of town without being seen. As he was making his way back to his horse just past the hillock, he passed the spring where he let his horse drink. The water rippled, and out emerged Cleonis in a much less pleasant form than usual.   “You, wielder of dark sorcery. I am Cleonis, spirit of this spring and guardian of Narvyri Usairyspi. Return her to me at once, or face the wrath of the ancient Naiad magicks,” threatened Cleonis. Zhethgeit froze, and placed the girl down on the ground. Then he took his hands and began to conjure some sort of magic. He pointed his hands at Cleonis, and the energy began to pulse in his hands.     BOOM. A loud noise rang out through the streets of Easthill. This woke Jölfor, who noticed his bed felt a bit larger than usual. He turned to his left to see that Narvyri was gone. He got out of bed and looked around the house. She was nowhere to be seen. BOOM. Another loud noise rang from the distance. He put on his boots and jerkin as fast as he could manage, as well as his sword belt just incase. He ran to where the noises might have came from, leading him to the edge of town by the hillock. There at the edge of the spring lied a woman who was so pale, she was visible by just the light of the moon. The tree which overhung the spring was in blazes. Jölfor ran over to the woman and kneeled beside her. Her breaths were heavy.   “Miss, are you alright? What happened here? Who put this tree in flames?” asked Jölfor. Her breaths were still heavy, but she was able to barely open her eyes.   “Jölfor, son of Dérenor, hear my final words,” she spoke softly. “I have failed to protect Narvyri Usairyspi. You once promised to protect her with your life, and the role as her guardian has passed to you. A wicked sorcerer has taken her to Dunnâm-Grod on the Edge of Tuin, and will keep her there until he has been killed. Go and rescue her. But first, I shall give you a gift that shall aid you in your quest.” Cleonis closed her eyes, and began to fade into mist. The mist compacted itself into a round shape, and became a shield. Jölfor was in shock at seeing this, and learning of the fact that his love was in danger. He took up the shield into his arm. I must save Narvyri, he thought. He went back to his house as people were coming out to see what the commotion was. At his house, Jölfor prepared a bag and his equipment for a journey, putting on his armor as well (which included his chest plate, gauntlets and helmet). He readied his horse and rode off into the night, beyond the hillock which the burning tree sat upon.


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