Cyrrollalee is the halfling deity of friendship, trust, and the home. For more than a millennia, Cyrrollalee busied herself with overseeing the mundane minutia of the stewardship of halflings' homes. She encourages camaraderie among her subjects, always with an eye toward ensuring the safety of each halfling's individual dwelling. Her real interest is in the hospitality, generosity, and kindness halflings can show to others, and she is most displeased with those who fail to display proper hospitality and good fellowship. Her worst enemies are those who betray the trust of a host or who break into homes (of halflings) to steal. She is also the enemy of oathbreakers. Her sacred animal is the squirrel.
Among halflings, Cyrrollalee is quietly appreciated by all and venerated by those who build homes and families. Many invocations to her are day-to-day minor oaths and fussing by busy halflings, but underlying such daily minutia is a solid core of faithful veneration.
Her clerics lead halfling communities and set examples for good-hearted clean living by being exemplars of friendship and good will. Cyrrollalee's priests are specifically defenders of the home, and they view their role as both protecting the home from outside threats and cultivating the familial bonds of those who dwell within.
Clerics pray for spells in the morning, as they welcome the sun of a new day. Worship services for Cyrrollalee are held on the first day of each month, known in halfling communities as Hearthday. Devout halflings gather in the home of one of their fellow parishioners, rotating to a different dwelling in the local community each month. The Hand of Fellowship asks for nothing in the way of propitiation aside from simple prayers requesting her blessing. Friendship among her worshipers is considered the highest praise one can raise to her name.
Divine Domains
Solidarity, Peace, Light, Life
Divine Symbols & Sigils
The symbol of Cyrrollalee is that of an open circular door representing the hospitality and welcoming nature of halflings and her creed.
Tenets of Faith
Be generous in friendship, and welcome all friends into your home and trust. Never betray the trust of a host, break an oath, or violate the sanctity of another's home. The Day of Discovery approaches, when all hin rally around a new home based upon dignity, companionship, and love.