Feedback Center Building / Landmark in Aximundi | World Anvil
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Feedback Center

Purpose / Function

The innocuously-named "Feedback Center" is an ornate structure within the walled city of Arcadia. Each Arcadian citizen must, once per week, report to the Feedback Center in order to provide feedback on their experiences, so the city may best serve the needs of all its residents.   In truth, the Feedback Center is a temple designed to feed the Lord of Arcadia's ego. The "feedback" provided is filtered, such that the Lord is presented with a constant stream of lavish praise, perpetually reinforcing his desire to be seen as a just ruler and a savior of the people.   Citizens who provide insufficiently glowing feedback frequently receive visits from the Lord's Messengers, to be interrogated in their own home or workplace. On some occasions these visits lead to positive, corrective changes to Arcadia's administration, which truly do improve the quality of life for all residents. On most occasions, however, the armor-clad Messengers take the individual in question away for some "corrective changes" of their own.


The Feedback Center is continuously undergoing modifications to ensure that it's on the bleeding edge of corporate style. Any advancement, any new trend, is quickly applied to the Feedback Center. After all, it wouldn't do for the citizens to see their Lord as behind the times, would it?


On the outside, the Feedback Center appears to be something like the offspring of an office building and a cathedral. The structure itself is essentially a glass cube, covered with complex latticework that shifts throughout the day to regulate the light and temperature within the building. An ornate, twisting spire rises from the center of the cube, refracting the sunlight into beautiful patterns over the course of the day.   The interior of the structure is minimalist without being stark - the terminals for submitting feedback are smoothly designed, the chairs are soft and comfortable, and banners hanging from the roof celebrate Arcadia's latest achievements. Active noise dampening is used to keep the inside as hushed as a library, allowing each citizen to concentrate on presenting their own feelings to the Lord.
Alternative Names
Temple of Praise
Temple / Church

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