

Aveedel is the Archdevil of Greed, one of The Axodia, a powerful and fearsome figure who rules over the Plane of Greed, known as the Avarelm in the Old Tongue. It is one of the nine Planes of Sin, where sinners are condemned to spend eternity. Aveedel epitomises the insatiable hunger for wealth and possession, manifesting her influence through temptation, usually by proxy in the mortal realm.  


Supposedly, Aveedel is 12ft tall, with yellow skin that shimmers with a lustrous sheen. This often means she is depicted with golden skin instead, and sometimes silver or platinum. Regardless, she is always depicted with golden horns that curl like a crown around her head. She is said to wear hundreds of pieces of jewellry at all times, even having some sewn into the fabrics of her garments.  

Her Realm

The Avarelm, the Plane of Greed, is a realm of opulence and peril. At the heart of the Avarelm sits Aveedel's palace, a structure of unimaginable luxury and splendor. It is filled with teasures and riches, service as both her residence and her seat of power. Outside of the palace, the landscape of the Avarelm is a labryinth of acidic rivers and peculiar structures formed from precious metals and gemstones. These rivers corrode anything that dares enter them, aside from the devils that serve under her, which are immune or at least resistant.   It is believed that the souls of avaricious sinners fall into the Avarelm upon death, and are condemned to serve Aveedel. They are trapped in an endless pursuit of wealth they can never attain. These tormented souls are driven by the very greed that led them to his afterlife, forever seeking treasures beyond their grasp.  


Naturally, plenty of greedy behaviour in the mortal realm is blamed on Aveedel, though little actually is directly influenced. Aveedel does very few dealings herself, but her lieutenants that operate beneath her are always vying for advancement within the fiendish hierarchy. Amongst the infernal schemings, Aveedel is regarded as cunning and resourceful, greed being a strong motivator even within their realms for those trying to curry favour. Alliances between Archdevils are almost always momentary, though, and like all the others, she is constantly scheming to outmanoeuvre her enemies.  


Aveedel's legend is naturally woven into the fabric of many cultures, forming many a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked greed. She, aside from Azintor and the Lord of Sin, Nixos, is probably the most referenced Archdevil in tales and songs due to greed being arguably the most pervasive sin of seven usually recognised sins.
Divine Classification
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Yellow, lustrous
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Midjourney


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