Dyne Ilimine


The Dyne Ilimine (sing. Dyn Ilimine) are sentient elementals that supposed existed in the early stages of Axoran history. In common terms, they are often referred to as 'Genies'. Dyn Ilimine is Old Tongue for 'Person of Elements'. Strictly speaking, the term should be Dyn ol'Ilimine, but the 'ol' was dropped, presumably due the difficulty of saying it out loud.   The Dyne Ililmine as said to have come in four types, one for each element. Their modern names come from the Varadoni (now Khenian) language, which revere them most of all out all modern cultures. They are said to have been around 10 to 12 feet tall.   It is said that the Primatarans are descendants of the Dyne Ilimine, from dalliances between them and the mortal races.  


The Air Genie (Wyndyne) has, for whatever reason, become synonymous with Genies as a whole. Both Dyne and Djinni have their origins in the Elven Dynae (the singular 'Dyn' is the same in both Elven and Old Tongue).   They are depicted as tall and slim and often with a green-ish tint to their skin. Often taking on an almost Elven appearance. Though, these are likely reflections of Wyntaran (Air Primatarans) traits. Most Dyne Ilimine descriptions and images draw on the traits of their respective Primaratans, just taller.  


The Efreeti are the Fire Dyne Ilimine (Magdyne). Literally hot-headed and impulsive, they a described as having ashen skin, or even molten skin. Some even said to be pure fire shaped like a humanoid.  


The Water aspect, Panikati (or Aqardyne) vary wildly in their descriptions. Though, again, drawing from their Primataran counterparts, almost always said to be blue in hue. They are also believed to be the smartest of the four kinds.  


Erdyne in the Old Tongue, Zamaidi are the Earth Genies. Typically described as the bulkiest and often pull the most from Dwarven and Orcish aspects.  

In History & Myth

It is assumed the Dyne Ilimine were banished with the rest of the elementals after the Primordial Uprising and since all records were destroyed at the end of the following age, there is no way to know precisely what they looked like or even if they did really exist. If they did, they have been locked away for millennia. However, the Primal Dragons were considered in the same way once and their existence was sadly proven during The Cataclysm War.   Aside from the physical variations listed above between each type, generally the Dyne Ilimine depiction do have them clothed even though there is no basis in them requiring clothing. This is likely a subconscious social decision. At most, illustrations will have them with a bare torso. Also, the majority of illustrations of Dyne Ilimine tend be of a masculine form. Since no records exists, this is a cultural decision that is probably based in the origin of 'Dyn' as a word. Whilst it means 'person', it often gets translated as 'man' and as such, Dyne Ilimine may also get that same association. Another theory is through the assumption that the origin of the Primatarans involved male Dyne Ilimine and mortal females.   There is one school of thought that ties to the Dyne Ilimine to the Original Three theory. When Vulkarna, the goddess of fire, was banished at the end of the Primordial Uprising, one myth is that the other three elements gave birth to the Elves, Gnomes and Dwarves. This is why Djinni, Panikati and Zamaidi, respectively, take on aspects of those three races in their depictions.
Average Height

Guide for Dragon Seekers and Dungeon Explorers

  • Primatarans - Genasi


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