Elysira Sussurill


Elysira Sussurill is an Asta Wayafara (Master Weaver) of the Hala al'Wayafara (Hall of Weavers) in Khusaka, in the The Khena Empire of Northern Thrabad. The Asta Wayafara are regarded amongst the, if not the, top bards in the world. Elysira Sussurill is no exception.  


Elysira was born and raised in Khusaka to two Dust Elven parents. Khusaka itself is a vibrant setting that sings with culture, and Elysira was drawn to those stories and tales being told amongst the many streets. Upon coming of age, she was admitted to the Hala al'Wayafara, one of the most esteemed bardic schools in the world. As a Wayafara, Elysira learned her craft with studious intent. She rose to the rank of Asta (Master) but has resisted the appointment as Raya (Chief/Leader) so far, preferring to remain available for performance, doing what she truly loves.   Her performances are known for their emotional depth and intricate storytelling, usually leaving her audiences spellbound. Her primary catalogue revolves around the myths and stories of the region around Khusaka, but has a healthy repertoire of all the major, and some minor, tales known worldwide.  


Despite resisting of the office of Raya Wayafara, Elysira is still privy as a long-serving Asta to the secret knowledge and duties of the Wayafara. Hidden within the walls of the Hala lies an ancient artefact known as Joybringer, a rod supposedly imbued with the power of Aeda, the goddess of love and home, herself. Upon noticing a shift in temperance of one of her colleagues, Amal Khojah, a recently raised Asta (and thus, not yet included in knowing about Joybringer), Elysira took these concerns to the Raya Wayafara, Samir Qissa. Together, they devised a plan to keep Joybringer safe from Amal Khojah, and others that may be working with and/or influencing him.   Under the guise of a world tour, Elysira fled Khusaka. The current location of Joybringer is, at the moment, only known to Samir and her. Elysira encountered The Grey Knights at a performance at The Heart of Oak tavern in Synmel in western Aldenia. The Grey Knights, at that point, had recovered two artefacts of similar status to Joybringer and whilst Elysira trusted them with her story, she did not entrust Joybringer's location with them.   Elysira continues to tour Aldenia following that meeting.
Year of Birth
304 PC 281 Years old
Sandy blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization


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