High Priest/ess


The rank of 'High Priest(ess)' is arguably the most ubiquituous rank in the world, in terms of spread. Naturally, the number of individuals that hold this prestigious rank are not numberous in total number, but almost every culture has the rank of high priest(ess) in their society. No matter the culture, no matter the god being worshipped and no matter the language, this rank will likely exist, or a direct translation will exist.  

Achieving High Priesthood

Generally, there isn't a test. Some cultures may involve ascendcy rituals, but the decision on whether or not a priest becomes a high priest usually lies with pre-existing high priests deciding and agreeing that individual is worthy. Thus, there are no set rules, as such, but time and impact in their society are typically the leading factors. Age, in particular, isn't necessarily a hindrance, but usually high priests are more advanced in years. Famously, though, Astrona Emberwild was one of the youngest known individuals to reach High Priestess status, in her early 30s.  

Around the World

The highest concentration of individuals holding this rank is in Dawnstone, in the aptly named Temple District lie many temples, servicing every known god and goddess. Multiple deities are grouped together, for instance Alios and Athar in the Temple of the Dawn, but each deity will have multiple priests that have ascended to the high priest rank. In Dawnstone, though, High Priest is the highest rank but there generally be one amongst the high priests who regarded as the highest without there being an official title.   This is not the case in most locations, such as Maressea. In Ialos, the grand temple Santia Pandia is the domain of the Prosechi Archos, under them work the Prosechoi Vastsi and the Prosechoi. These latter two are the equivalent of High Priests and Priests respectively.   In some places, High Priest is the solitary station of the highest position. The Quitapha Dynasty operates in such a fashion, where the temples (Santua, in their language) have one High Priest (or Priestess) each.
Religious, Clerical
Form of Address
Usually a variation on 'Father' or 'Mother'.
Length of Term
Related Locations

Cover image: by Midjourney


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Aug 18, 2024 11:58 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

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