

They are the crossover between the Dawn's Guard and the Medora. Medion are elite mages who form their own section of the Dawn's Guard army. They have their own Commander but fight alongside the regular factions. Typically, it is mages of the school of Primalism that join, though Imbuement mages feature as a way of strengthening the regular army and Cleansing mages are utilised to combat other magic users.  


For as long as there's been a Dawn's Guard, there has been the Medion. Whilst they never compared in pure numbers to the regular military, what they lack in quantity, they more than made up for in quality. One battle ready mage could turn the tide of a battle.  

During the Cataclysm War

Famously, Orsa Algrun was the Commander of the Medion during the early years of the Cataclysm War. Her betrayal and reveal of being part of the The Council of Nine came as a shock to the world and especially those that served alongside her.   Aside from that, the Medion were crucial in the various battles over the course of the war and were often the deciding factor. During the War, their numbers swelled to over a hundred as more and more of the Medora gave themselves over to the cause. By the end around the number of Medora left was about a fifth of what they had at the start of the war.  

After the War

Following the war, in the over half a millennia since, the Medion's numbers have not grown back to their former strength, largely because of the lack of conflict. Since there has been little need for battle mages, the mages of the Radiant Tower have focused on the rebuilding effort and the advancement of magical practices instead.  

Famous Medion

Orsa Algrun - Former Commander of the Medion, turned by the Council of Nine at an unknown date for an unknown reason - killed by the Forces of Light during The Siege of Arkran.
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