

Pira is a partial shanty town located on the coast in the Villeona Archipelago, south of Maressea. Officially governed by Maressea, Pira effectively operates with a degree of autonomy, driven by the dynamics between its two dominant factions. Known as a vibrant and unruly "party town" by some, Pira is also a hub for the black market, where all manner of goods are traded in its districts.  


Officially, the Proson ton Pira is in charge of Pira. The current Proson for the town is Loris Thallion. However, Thallion's governance is largely symbolic. Thallion is a rotund and affable gentleman, originally from Ialos and views Pira as a comfortable retirement post. He rarely intervenes in the town's affairs, allowing the two main factions to manage the town's day-to-day operations between themselves.  


The true power in Pira lies with its two influential factions: The Witchborn and The Deadeyes.  

The Witchborn

The Witchborn's leader is Vivian "The Witch" Zell, a half-Sea Elf known for her cunning and magical prowess.  

The Deadeyes

Torun "Deadeye" Karn leads his namesake Deadeyes. Torun is a tall half-orc who is notable for his skill with a bow. He also supposedly has some control over swarming insects.  


Pira is divided into two main districts: The Sticks and Drytown.  

The Sticks

The Sticks is the shanty portion of Pira, built precariously over the water on stilts. It is a maze of wooden walkways, platforms and shacks, bustling with activity both day and night. Traders, smugglers and adventurers flock to The Sticks to buy and sell goods, from rare spcies to illicit magical itms. The chaotic and lively atmosphere attracts a diverse crowd, making it a popular destination for those seeking excitement and opportunity.  


Dryrown is the part of Pira built on solid land. It features architecture more fitting with the Maressean mainland. It also includes The Proson's manor, and the administrative office for the town. It is also a residential area for those who prefer a less transient lifestyle, along with commercial ventures that also prefer a less precarious foundation beneath them.  


Pira is an eclectic mix, a place of revelry. Though, occasionally the turf war between The Witchborn and The Deadeyes flares up into physical confrontations, most days are fun and lively. The population of Pira is a mix of various races and backgrounds, from sea-faring merchants and adventurers to exiles and outcasts.
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Midjourney


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Aug 31, 2024 16:37 by Elizabread

I love how much this feels like an island port town, and the rival factions lead to some really interesting ideas about the conflicts that must arise. I also love the names of the districts and how fitting they are to the mood and feel of the settlement.

Check out my world Valtena!