

Rotmoss is a type of moss that exclusively grows underground. It is a relatively rare species in the Undrelm but it has been found, and cultivated by the Horticulture Guild of Khul Boldir for use in De Vordedunn (the vast gardens at the entrance of the city). Rotmoss is useful due to its ability to seek out and eat decaying material, either flora or fauna.  


Typically, Rotmoss is a greyish-brown colour. However, it has bioluminescent properties, which see it emit light of almost any colour. The most common colours are, pink, purple, green or blue.  


Rotmoss is usually found in moist, dark environments and almost exclusively in the Undrelm. Even there, it isn't particularly common. Patches of rotmoss were discovered over the course of the Dwarven mining expansion beneath Khul Boldir. Upon witnessing their feeding behaviour, the Horticulture Guild acquired and deployed the rotmoss in their own gardens. As a result, rotmoss can be seen on the walls of the cavern Khul Boldir is built within too now.  


Reproduction happens via spore release. The bioluminescense strengthens during their sporing stage, attracting animals (particularly insects such as moths) that then carry the spores elsewhere to propagate. Weirdly, despite being a subterranean species, this period happens roughly the same time most surface plants enter their pollination period.  


Rotmoss has the ability to slowly move, at a pace too slow for the eye to notice. It is attracted to decaying material. Through the consumption of said material, rotmoss produces a byproduct more potent than the decaying material itself would have been as fertiliser. As such, the Horticulture Guild deployed rotmoss into De Vornedunn, where it very slowly roams around the surface level, turning dead plants into super-fertiliser for the next batch to grow from. The Scholar's Guild has taken an interest in the species, testing its potential uses in the field of waste management but no breakthroughs have occurred as of yet. Despite the fact that patches now grow on the walls of the Khul Boldir cavern (thanks to spores taken up their by insects, bat and other winged creatures), rotmoss is a protected species and none dare touch it, should they face the wrath of the Horticulture Guild. And no one messes with the Horticulture Guild.
Geographic Distribution

Cover image: by Midjourney


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