Soldier For Hire


The 'Soldier For Hire' can take many forms: the adventuring group, the mercenary, the bodyguard or transportation escort etc. No matter where you are in the world, it is the one profession that is never not needed, and seemingly also in great supply.  

Notable Examples

Voi Technia

In Ialos, you can find the Voi Technia (Maressean for 'Aider Guild'). This is an organisation who will provide help to anyone who needs it. If the client can afford the service, they will be charged accordingly. However, the Voi Technia do a high proportion of pro bono work for those who cannot meet those prices. The Voi Technia's reach is limited to Maressea normally but will, on rare occasions, venture further afield if absolutely necessary.   The Voi Technia's Technia Archos (Guild Master) is Ialos native Ophira Marilos. There are currently 9 Kapitans (their higher rank) with well over two dozen regular agents ('Agentia'). Anyone is welcome to apply to join, but must face a background check and an initiation test to do so. The Voi Technia are available to help will all manner of requests, from escort jobs to investigative work and everything in between and their members similarly reflect a wide range of skills and abilities.   In Ialossian society, the higher ranked Voi Technia yellow knots on their shoulders to signify their station at public events.  

Grey Scales

The Grey Scales are a mercenary outfit in Aldenia. Whilst they are primarily a 'money talks' kind of organisation, it is noted that they have a strong moral sensibility and will not take on jobs that are deeming objectively evil or harmful to other individuals. This does sometimes lead to nefarious individuals getting creative with the way they present their opportunities, but by and large, the Grey Scales avoid getting dragged into such pure criminalities.   Their leader, Corinne Resor, is regarded as being intensely cunning. Their numbers are comparable to the Voi Technia's, with around ten 'Veterans' and also over two dozen 'recruits' at any given time.  

Scholar's Guild Mountaineers

The Mountaineers are a subset of the Scholar's Guild of Khul Boldir, the Dwarven Capital in Aldenia. The Mountaineers' role is to escort the less outside-world inclined members of the Scholar's Guild on expeditions into the mountains beyond Khul Boldir, or in rare occasions, to aid outsiders on similar excursions.
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