The Passage of Time in Aldenia

An Aldenian year comprises of 12 months of 30 days. Scattered amongst these months are 5 Sacred Days, which do not belong to any given month but rather a separate entity. The week is 5 days long, the last of which is usually considered a day of rest. The Fifth Day is sometimes referred to as The Free Day as a result. The calendar is as follows:  


The first month is dedicated to the goddess of winter, Essina.  


Aeda, the goddess of love, is given the second month.  


The goddess of luck, Rituna, is the focus of the third month.  


Bloomtime is the first Sacred Day of the year. A celebration of flowers and trees coming into bloom. Main foci include themes of rebirth and new beginnings. As such, deities such as Athar, the god of life, and Cipheone, the goddess of nature, feature strongly amongst the celebrations.  


Virion, a minor deity of war and nature, but most importantly the god of Elves gives his name to the fourth month.  


The Gnomish God, Kril, belongs to the fifth month.  


The sixth month is dedicated to god of light, Alios.  

The Light Festival

Sometimes called The Festival of the Sun, this Sacred Day revolves around celebrating the good in the world. Gods such as Alios (light) and Athar (life) have a large presence on this day. This day also features celebrations of feats of heroism, Toar (strength) and Ispilla (magic) feature heavily too as a result. Virion, Kril and Grommog are particularly celebrated amongst their respective races.  


Grommog, the god of dwarves is given the following month.  


The eighth month belongs to the god of strength.  


Duty & law and their god, Odum, are the focus of the ninth month.  

The Day of Plenty

A Sacred Day that follows the harvest season. Communities will gather and celebrate. Similar to Bloomtime, Athar and Cipheone are the main two deities associated with this day.  


The tenth month is named after Nitune, the goddess of the moon.  

Night of the Passed

This Sacred Day precedes the month dedicated to the goddess of death. The festivities on this day are mostly undertaken after sunset. It's a day set aside in remembrance of those that have been lost. The Ancestral Tree holds a large gathering on this day, due to its magical ability to connect people with their ancestors.  


The eleventh month as a whole is also to a lesser extent a time for such remembrance too, as it is given to the goddess of death, Zarene.  


The twelfth and final month of the year is dedicated to the god of time, Solemis.  

Year's End

The last Sacred Day of the year is, in fact, the last day of the year altogether. Large celebrations are not particularly common on this day, it is usually celebrated within families or small communities. It is a time for reflection on the year that has just passed. Gift giving and a big meal are common practices on Year's End.

  • 10000 BCE

    10000 BCE

    The Great Knowledge Purge
    Era beginning/end

    Marks the end of the Age of Darkness and the beginning of the Age of Discovery. No one knows why all records were destroyed around this time.

  • 5000 BCE

    5000 BCE

    Age of Conflict Begins
    Era beginning/end

  • 3010 BCE

    3000 BCE

    The Ten Year Winter
    Geological / environmental event

    Supposed caused by the wrath of Essina after Alios was captured by the Archdevils, the Ten Year Winter marks the end of the Age of Conflict.

  • 3000 BCE

    3000 BCE

    Age of Harmony Begins
    Era beginning/end

  • 9 BCE

    The Cataclysm Wars
    Military: War

  • 0 BCE

    Post Cataclysm Era Begins
    Era beginning/end


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