The Shimmering Sorrow


  The Shimmering Sorrow is a disease caused by the unique blend of chemicals produced by the Sorrowshell Crab. The disease causes the victim's skin to become translucent whilst also having a mental effect of making the victim despondent. Thankfully, only the Sorrowshell Crab is known to cause this, and so its spread is limited to the area where the crab is found.  

Symptoms & Effects

The Shimmering Sorrow can kill if the victim is not caught in time. As the crabs live, generally, in warm and tropical locations, the victim's skin becoming translucent causes them to overheat and dehydrate. Since the nearest body of water is usually the sea for the victim, they will be driven to drink the saltwater, which only causes more problems, and eventually death - if the despondent feeling caused by the other chemical in this concoction doesn't drive the victim to end their life first. This makes it dangerous to travel alone in regions where the crab is found. As long as the victim is found in time and treated, their prognosis is typically good. Particularly potent generic restoration magics and salves can cure the condition, along with more dedicated (and simpler) remedies found local to Sorrowshell Crab hotspots.  

Origin & History

It is a relevant recent condition, by historical standards, as the crabs themselves first appeared shortly after The Ten Year Winter. No one knows precisely where the crabs came from, but it is generally accepted that the abnormal weather forced a mutation in another variety of crab and somehow the Sorrowshell Crab was the outcome. The emergence of the Sorrowshell Crab around this time is relevant as it coincided with the Mon Dravara eruption, which forced the Cantoisi people off the North Cantois Isle onto its southern counterpart, where colonies of the crab had grown large in number. Naturally, the evacuees used the crabs as a food source upon arrival, which caused a widespread outbreak of the disease amongst them. The Shimmering Sorrow cut the eruption's survivors' numbers in half, before residents of Aralomi (a then small settlement on the southern island, now capital of the Cantois Isles) reached them and cured the remaining people.  

Current Spread & Preventative Measures

The current spread is simply a case by case basis, as knowledge of the condition, and the crab, have long since entered general knowledge, especially in those regions. Locals enforce a 'buddy' system to prevent anyone being alone should they accidentally contract the disease.
Extremely Rare

Cover image: by Midjourney


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