

The Verallat is a massive, bat-like creature native to the Undrelm. Known for their strength and terrifying sonic abilities, the Verallat also serve a crucial role in the Undwarf military where they are trained as mounts. These creatures are ferocious by themselves, but even more so with direction, tearing through enemies with their claws and unleashing deafening sonic blasts to incapacite foes.  


They are an imposing sight, with a wingspan up to 10ft, and 8ft in length. As such, they can carry Undwarf riders with ease. Its leathery pitch-black skin aids it in camouflaging against the dark caverns it dwells in, making them difficult to spot until it's too late.  


The Verallat is a physical powerhouse in its own right, but they also come with a fearsome sonic blast, which can deafen and disorient its victims in a wide area, leaving them vulnerable to the follow-up attacks from the Verallat, and its rider. The Verallat's eyes are small and beady, providing it limited sight. Like a bat, though, it relies on echolocation to survey its surroundings. It's large ears mean that sound, rather than sight, is the the Verallat's primary hunting sense.  

The Undwarves

The Undwarves live in various settlements in the cavernous systems beneath Axora's surface. The Verallat are prized assets in the Undwarf army, where their aerial capabilities provide a crucial edge in conflicts that occur but also as long-range scouts. Its sonic blasts can disrupt entire squads of enemies at once, throwing their opponents into chaos, making them easy targets. With their natural camouflage also, the Undwarf riders can utilise ambush tactics to attack unsuspecting foes.  

The Surface World

Stories of the Verallat are told by adventurers who have claimed to have ventured into the deep caves of the Undrelm and return with harrowing tales of the monstrosities they found there. Such claims naturally vary in their credibility, though. In the legends of the surface world, where for many the Undrelm itself is considered a myth, the Verallat's sonic blast can shatter stone and cause earthquakes. This is, of course, an exaggerration, but they should not be underestimated by any count.
~ 20 years
Average Height
~ 5ft (when on all fours)
Average Weight
Up to a tonne.
Average Length
~ 8ft, wingspan ~ 10ft
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities
Spooktober 2024
Generic article | Sep 30, 2024

Cover image: by Midjourney


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