Lightning shit snail Species in Ayer'hess | World Anvil
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Lightning shit snail

This species of snail has a magically reinforced shell as hard as adamantine and leaves trails with invisible stripes of shit that, when lit on fire, burns with a blue flame almost instantaneously (giving it its name) in the direction of the snail. To defend itself from the fire, the snail will then pump the magic from its shell, diminishing it to the strength of steel. The power of its shell has resulted in it being used as currency by some tribes in the jungles it lives in. Thus snail hunters became the equivalent of coin minters. The reason for their value is that these tribes often make the snails' shells into armour, and those who use fire to find the snails are thus considered forgers.

Basic Information


Similar to everyday snails, with a tendency of right-oriented shells

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

This snail specie is also able to feel the air vacuum provoked by the fire spreading rapidly through its excrements, an ability necessary to have the time to pump the magic from its shell and deploy it to protect itself in such cases, in addition to normal snail senses.
Geographic Distribution

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