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Session 0 Report

General Summary

Question Result


How often do we play? Once every 2-3 weeks
Where do we play? Although online is always an option, we can play at the DM's place or maybe in the GBU's offices (I still need to ask Pierre if it's ok)
How long will each session be? 3 hours on average, and we should at maxima do 4 hours
What type of game will it be? Players propositions: Open-air dungeon where you have to survive(joke). Puzzle from time to time Samuel likes tensions, intense decisions
Max/min number of players Minimum: 2 players plus an NPC Maximum: 6 PCs without NPC

The World

What is the setting the story will be set in? A FIVR(Fully Immersive VR) set in another universe of sword and magic, in which a powerful institution is tasked with retrieving taxes from frauders.
Notable locations, races and people. Not currently defined, will be given as the story progresses.
Other notable infos about the world. Will be given through this WorldAnvil
Class or race restrictions. None

The Campaign

Estimated campaign length. Until the end of the semestre, will then be reevaluated.
Which system/version will be used? 5th edition D&D
Which books from the system are allowed? All books, with the addition of the following: Aurora's Whole Realm Catalogue (2e) Deities&Demigods (3e) Epic Levels (3.5e) Tome of Beasts(KP)
Where is the lore accessible? WorldAnvil, with the help of the Forgotten Realms Wiki(plz ask if something is cannon in my world when referencing to the FR wiki)
Genre & Tone of the campaign Normal fantasy, with a serious tone, although stupidity is obviously allowed whenever wanted.
Emphasis on combat vs roleplaying. I (the DM) am training to add more RP, but I still have a tendency to have a lot of fights.
Level of campaign difficulty. 4.5/10, except for Kim who wants 6/10. For those who did not participate in the session 0, please send me your desire.

The DM's Style

Improvisation vs Preparation A lot of improv., but I'm trying to improve.
Rules flexibility. By default, rules as intended. If I state a change in rules, it stays so until I change it back
Roaming availability. Possible unless it is abused.
Experience/Reward distribution. Experienced is replaced by milestones, meaning I tell you when you level up. There is the possibility of acquiring "Free Levels" thanks to rp factors, which don't count toward your maximum level cap
Expectation of consequences. Yes, your actions have consequences.
Balance changes. I adapt combats in real time, but that does not mean it will be easier...
Homebrew material. You can always ask me and maybe I will allow it, sometimes with some modifications.
Restrictions. Despite my efforts, I am no good at romantic interactions and NSFW content is... inexistant most of the time. You can do it, but don't expect me to narrate you erotica.

In-Game Topics

Disruptive topics or actions. Torture, rape, developped sexuality, horror.
Metagaming (=Using Out-of-Character(OoC) knowledge to make In-Game(IG) decisions) Strictly forbidden. But you need to remember that your characters have had a life and therefore knowledge and experience.
Rules debates. I'm the captain of this ship, and although I shall hear you, I'm the one who has the final say.
Handling problematic situations. Same thing as above.
Character deaths. You are dead. It shouldn't happen often, but if you ded, you ded. Remember that resurrection exists.
Player vs Player situations and problems (IG) You can fight, but if I have to use a deus ex machina to raise half the party because you were drunk on power, you are gonna suffer the consequences.
In-Game house rules. Additional weapons abilities
Mixed spells
Guilds levels
Stackable inspiration
Gem magic
Rune magic
Emergency magic
Other house rules will be added later on.

Out-of-Game Topics

Disruptive topics or situations. Same as above.
Required session equipment. Happiness and willingness to play. A set of dice is nice but not obligatory.
Alcohol and drugs. No drugs, alcohol ok if handled correctly.
Mobile phone use and distractions during play. No phone, no distractions even if bored (I can have computer, players can search their spells if necessary)
Commitment. If you say you come, you come. If you didn’t say anything, that’s okay
During the session, don’t go do something else just because it’s not your turn, or I’ll f you up !
Player absences. No problem
Snacks. Still the best way to befriend/bribe the DM (but please announce it before comming.
Out-of-game house rules. Added if necessary.
Report Date
20 Feb 2023

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