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History of Ayer'hess

Ante Pugnam Malae Virginis

... 0 APMV

Defined as preceding the event of the intercontinental battle of the Virgin Evil, which opposed the alliance formed of about thirty countries and the evergoing war occuring in the Virgin Mass.

  • -16857 APMV

    -14186 APMV

    The Great Freedom Enclave
    Era beginning/end

    This civilisation was started by a colony of mind-flayers slaves from multiple species whose ship had crashed and which could therefore revolt against the remaining mind-flayers. This civilisation was extremely advanced technologically speaking but was weak in terms of magic.
    They disappeared because of an epidemy that swiped the entire population. This epidemy came from the lasting effect the mind-flayer slavery had on the first colonists which caused the appearance of incurable diseases after 10 generations. Although most of the diseases were solely genetic-related, some originated from pathogens. Opening the dungeons left behind by this civilisation is always a gamble for rulers, as it will surely bring riches but might also be accompanied by an epidemy of the diseases kept waiting in the decayed corpses or test tubes made of unknown materials, or simply because of the decayed corpses themselves.

  • -14500 APMV

    -14186 APMV

    The Great Hospital Need
    Plague / Epidemic

    The appearance of many diseases required an ever increasing need in healthcare, leading to a global focus on developping new healing technologies.

  • -9853 APMV

    -6531 APMV

    The Era of Blood
    Era beginning/end

    This era saw the rivalry between dino/lizard-folk and sentient arachnids. A great deal of poison- and strength-related artefacts remain today, although some of the technology from the previous civilisation was passed down to them and they also developed quite a lot of the magic system that would be passed down to the future civilisations. But the rivalry that brought them up ended up being their doom, as warfare became deadlier with magic and technology, and the mutual hatred of both empires was brighter than ever. Nowadays, although many dreams of finding one of their deadly weapons which would invariably bring great fame to their name, most kingdoms have forbidden access to any dungeon or ruin identified to be from this period. Some kingdoms have even forbidden the teaching of this civilisation's existence to anyone but the most loyalist of researchers. This is because such weapons or armour can become a destroyer of nations in the wrong hands and thus nearly all kingdoms of this realm have tacitly agreed not to use them for war.

  • -6531 APMV

    21 Camw

    The Coming of the Holy Fire
    Disaster / Destruction

    On the 21st day of the third month of -6531, at daybreak, the Empire of Chktl launched their full array of missiles toward the reptile-infested lands of the kingdom of Vrithssrss. In response, while urging its citizens toward shelters, the kingdom launched its own inventory of missiles. This resulted in mutual annihilation, with both sides' shelters being completely overwhelmed by the sheer strength of the missile barrages. This day marked the end of both civilisations and the beginning of a new era of waiting for a new intelligent species.

  • -958 APMV

    -397 APMV

    The Falkaron Empire of the Elves
    Era beginning/end

    This era is the better-known one, thanks to both the number of standing ruins, but also to the use of their relics in all kinds of manners, such as warfare, medicine, or even everyday use. The Falkaron Empire of the Elves was also known as the Magic Empire due to the omnipresence of magic. Every citizen was either able to manipulate magic or had enough magic items to compensate for it. Sadly, this empire didn't bother studying history, leading both to the destruction of many important ruins to make place for new structures as well as to the very destruction of this civilisation: A pandemy surged from the remains of a haphazardly demolished tomb from the first civilisation and the surrounding countries took this opportunity to destroy the weakened state. It stood approximately between 900 and 400 years ago.
    It is to be noted that it is the first known era whose end didn't include the total annihilation of all sapient species.

  • -399 APMV

    29 Tlaiz
    -397 APMV

    3 Adins

    The Pestilence
    Plague / Epidemic

    On the 29th of the 5th month of -399, the demolition of the Tomb of Arzagoth, then known as the Burning Rock to nearby villagers because of its mechanism that generated flames to appear at the top of the structure, was ordered. As soon as a new room of the tomb was pierced, a spray of pressurised air jetted into the workers' faces. This was the starting point of the infection, as all the air in the tomb was contaminated with a deadly necroting virus that targetted elves.
    In a matter of month, the entirety of the Empire was infected. Within a year, half of its elven population was either bedridden or dead. After two years, all of the Empire was dead, either from the war or the disease. On the 3rd day of the 8th month of -397, the Empire was declared vanquished.

  • -398 APMV

    -397 APMV

    The Alliance of the Rag'd
    Military: War

    An alliance was formed between the surrounding countries of the Falkaron Empire, with the secret participation of some of the lords inside of the Empire. This alliance had one goal : The destruction of the weakened empire.
    This goal was achieved in about a year, but led to many a conflict because of how the vanquished land should be divided between the victors. In the end, a lot of the land gained independance, creating most of the current countries, while the magic-rich land that constituted the capital and its surroundings became the Virgin Mass.