Owling Species in Ayer | World Anvil
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Owling (Owl-Ling)

The Owling race is a unique and fascinating group of creatures on the planet of Ayer. They are physically the smallest civilized race, but they more than make up for their small stature with their impressive intelligence and knowledge-gathering abilities. Despite their diminutive size, the Owlings have managed to create a thriving civilization and culture, and they have become an essential part of the world's diverse ecosystem. One notable aspect of the Owling race is their relatively short lifespan. They typically reach maturity by the age of four and tend to live for around 50 years. However, despite their brief time on earth, Owlings are highly focused on the collection and documentation of knowledge and information. They are known for their insatiable curiosity and their love of learning, and they spend much of their time exploring and cataloging the world around them.   While Owlings can be found in all corners of the world, they feel a particular affinity for their homeland, the Mangian Shougonate. This region is known for its dense forests and diverse wildlife, and it provides an ideal habitat for the Owlings to thrive. Many Owlings choose to settle in this area, where they can be close to the natural world and continue their quest for knowledge.   Most Owlings resemble the ancestor birds from which they draw their name. However, over the millennia, the term "owling" has come to represent a huge variety of other birds as well. This is because the Owlings have a deep respect for all living creatures and recognize the importance of preserving and documenting the unique characteristics of each species. As a result, they have expanded their definition of what it means to be an "Owling" to include a vast array of bird species, each with its own unique set of attributes and qualities.   Overall, the Owling race is a fascinating and unique group of creatures on the planet of Ayer. Their intelligence, curiosity, and love of knowledge make them a valuable asset to the world's ecosystem, and their commitment to preserving and documenting the natural world is an inspiration to all who encounter them.
50 years

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