Bonespite Clan Flag

The Bonespite Clan Flag is a cabbage-like white flower surrounded by wide green leaves in a circular pattern on a red field. Khom Keizl, the leader of the Bonespite Clan, took this as his flag because the flower, the Wineberry Flower, is the deadliest in all of Shotark. He keeps a greenhouse full of them to use as poison for arrows and to put in the drinks/food of his enemies.

Manufacturing process

Liselle the Fair spent six months straight sewing the flag and stitching the wineberry flower and its leaves onto the flag. They say her fingers bled onto the flag, staining the fabric an even deeper red.


The flag was hand stitched by Keizl's favorite mistress in 1853, not long after the Bonespite Clan was formed. It is made out of heavy silk and dyed with rare, vibrant bloodblossom flowers. Keizl wanted to use the skull and crossbones of his people but his mistress convinced him to use the wineberry flower because of its secret deadly power. The wineberry flower only grows on human remains, another deadly secret that Keizl was glad to use to his advantage.


The flag is hung behind Keizl's chair at meetings. It is also carried into battle when Keizl is leading his army. The flag is significant to the Bonespite Clan because it symbolizes their power and Keizl's leadership of them. He hands out to each member their weekly allotment of wineberry flower poison while sitting under the flag and they touch it on their way out to honor him, Liselle the Fair (who sewed it), and the Clan.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Owning Organization
The Bonespite Clan flag is a one of a kind item. It was hand stitched by Keizl's favorite mistress before she died in childbirth. Each of the Bonespite Clan members wear a badge on their right arm modeled after the flag but there is only one flag.
Raw materials & Components
Heavy silk fabric, heavy silk thread. There is a pole to carry it into battle, made out of a stout length of bayelder.

Cover image: by Jessica Bruyere


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Aug 22, 2024 13:32

Interesting and believable history for a flag, and there being only one is fascinating. I suppose they have some other way to identify their lands in place of more flags.