The Greening Physical / Metaphysical Law in Ayora | World Anvil

The Greening

A large-scale natural disaster that occurred in the country of Shotark, on the Western Continent of Cheron, on the world of Ayora. It occurred from the 6th month of 1837 to the 6th month of 1838, so from one summer to the next. It ended abruptly and unexpectedly when a large forest fire started in the northern region of Shotark, killing a fourth of the plant life in the region. It is thought that some sort of sentient spore was responsible for the overgrowth. Scientists from the neighboring country of Breonak traveled to Shotark to study the disaster and took back samples, carefully quarantined. They discovered the spore but further information was never forthcoming. Rumors spread that they intended to use it as a type of germ warfare but these rumors were never substantiated by anyone reliable.


Any plant life, such as grass, trees, shrubs, fruits, vegetables, and flowers, grew in such abundance that they threatened to choke out other life, including humans. Settlements were swallowed whole. Cities were forced to create entire armies dedicated solely to chopping back the forest and cutting grass every day. Anything green and living became the enemy. Algae grew out of control, decimating the fish population. The greening caused the local wildlife to flourish, however. The deer had never been so plump. As a result, they bred well. And they fed the predators, who also grew plump and bred well. This affected the humans in two ways: game was plentiful and well-fed but predators were more abundant as well, and harder to see in the thick grass and trees.


In wooded areas, The Greening was most evident, where trees towered to upwards of eighty feet. In prairies, the grass stood twelve feet tall. Even in urban areas, the plant life threatened to overrun the city. Housewives took their houseplants outside the city walls, where crews spent weeks loading them up on carts and carrying them miles from the city. Children were frequently lost in parks because the grass grew so fast.

Cover image: by Jessica Bruyere


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