The Scattering

The Scattering is a practice of worship of the Order of Gruluthos, an ancient religion with one main god and dozens of lesser gods. Their main teachings revolve around nature and tolerance, and these teachings are often passed on through community newsletters and bi-weekly meetings in the House of the Light. The Scattering is practiced to honor the god, Gruthulos, who made the journey to plant trees himself, according to the myths of the Order. The Scattering is a sacred journey made by adults in the Order. It is seen as a way to honor nature through the planting of trees, since many are harvested to build structures for the city in which each House is located.


This tradition supposedly began with Gruluthos himself. He is said to have walked 50 miles outside of the city, planting trees along the way to replenish that which was destroyed by his demon nemesis, Ber'gometh, in a fire that raged for seven days. Members of the Order of Gruluthos have been following this tradition for generations.


The members meet at the House of the Light on the eve of the summer solstice. They are cleansed by priests, wearing nothing more than a shift and nothing on their feet. They are given bags of seedlings and sent out of the city in pairs in all directions. Along the way, they walk and plant a tree every couple of miles. They walk out for a day, then walk back for a day.

Components and tools

Each member carries a trowel for planting trees and a bag of seedlings, as well as a small pack of supplies and a bedroll.


The High Priest conducts the ceremony with his priests assisting him. The members attend the ceremony. Everyone completes the ritual, including the High Priest.


The ritual begins on the eve of the summer solstice every year.
Important Locations

Cover image: by Jessica Bruyere


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