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The corruption we fear.

This is the evil that haunts the Realm. These are the things that are not natural. This is the perversion of law. These Abominations shall be cleansed from the sight and stricken from the Realm.
  They hide in natural creatures.
In the wild places of the Realm, where the glory of the Devouring Mother has not burned them out you will find them. They do not fear the light and they care not if you are in shadow or not, for them we are all just food to be consumed.
Your cat.
Your goat.
Anything could be infested with the taint of Abomination, and you would not know until it was coming for you. That is why the Paragons exist. They hold the line of law and the natural. They beat back the hidden taint and make the wild spaces safe for civilization.
They know that there is no victory in their life time. They do not expect a win. It is enough that they reveal what Abominations are hidden and that the Glory of the Devouring Mother washes over all.

Basic Information


Parasitic and malleable form.

Genetics and Reproduction


Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats


Dietary Needs and Habits

Living hosts.

Biological Cycle


Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As per the host with augmentation if the Abomination has matured and infested other hosts.
Conservation Status
To be destroyed at all costs.
" It was a dark night. You know. Those nights where the canopy is still, nothing moves, and the moon and stars just blot out. We had made camp in a clearing near an un-named creek. Warden Thalis said she knew it. Said it was safe. You can rely on the Wardens. They know the Green. The safe ways and the easy roads. " Nortbert looked down at his hands. Weathered and still dirty with blood. It was in creases and under his nails. He was an old human. He'd seen some living and some dieing.
" There was a twelve of us in the caravan. And, the four Wardens. It had been a good caravan up'til that night; nice. Yaralee she died first I think. My baby girl. It came out of the trees, silent and terrible. We thought it was a wolf. As we fought it we yelled to each other, Wolf!! Wolf!! ... Not the Wardens though. They knew. So, brave and professional." He paused again. His pain was clear; a soul pain. The other two in the room let him have space to collect himself, to gather the courage. " It was Abomination."
  The three of them were in a small stone room with one lone chair. Norbert sat, but the other two stood in front of him. Norbert was a thin common man. He used to sell wool. There was one door behind the two who stood. " It was so fast, and it started to rain. I noticed that. In the middle of it all, I felt rain drops... warm summer rain. It seemed like it was everywhere at once. "

  The two other men looked at each other for a second.
    "Norbert .... you said that there were no clouds in the sky that night." This man's voice was warm, pleasant. Norbert twitched. His hands trembled. This man was confident just like all Elves. So, pretty and perfect.
    "Yes, that's right. I did. Didn't I." Norbert had dropped his voice to a whisper.
    Leaning in, closer to Norbert, the elf asked, " Did it get in you?"
    Norbert didn't answer. The elf stepped back, and the two Paragons readied themselves to do their duty.


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