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Herald of Chaos

The gods have followers. Citizen's who believe; who have faith. This is a normal civilized thing. While She does provide so much for her Citizens, She has never claimed to provide all. In fact many learned and wise Citizens have commented on the idea that no leader, or god, even if they are capable, should provide all that those in their care need or desire.

Leaders and gods need to make their people work for success.

  But, there is always Ganador. The Vile.
And, Gandor has Kalathnii, or perhaps it is the other way around?

Kalanthii. That name alone causes those who know it much consternation. It is not a commonly known name, but enough know it. The Brotherhood and Paragons know it as that name has ... provided much work for them through the centuries. Yes, perhaps even mellenia.
The name Kalanthii and the critical disruption of Civilization go hand in hand.

  From an internal Brother Hood summary briefing documment. Released to Brother's achieving the Rank of "the Green".

  What is known about Kalanthii?
  1. They are either one person who can change their form or several people using the singular identity. Verifiable reports have provided at least 17 different physical discriptions for a person or persons acting in consistently the same way. Kalanthii is more accurately identified by a pattern of behavious and action understood in post event investiations than about their physical appreace.

2. They never go to large population centers. They have never been cited in any township greater then 5000 Citizens. The reason for this is not known, but records show that at no point in the history of Kalanthii activities have they ever been reported as being in or within 50km of a larger township.

3. They spend at least three months in a small town, before corrupting it. It is supected that this is the time that is required to prepare whatever event or crisis that Kalanthii initiates, or perhaps this is a period of assessment. Can what is planned be done?

4. They have a 80% success rate. 80% of townships visited by Kalanthii end up being destroyed. Their populations either murdered in totality or their infrastructure being destroyed in it totality. Each of these events requires a concerted response from both the Brotherhood and the Paragons to repair the damage to Civilization. This work varies depending on many factors. It is impertive that cooperation with the Paragon's directives and Her Will be supported.

  What little we know regarding Kalanthii's motives has only been revealed to us by their writings. These writing come with a strong warning. Read them only in their transcribed form. Do not read or research the supporting documents or evidence withing the Archives. And, only read them if you must.

To provide context, a sample of the least offensive of these writing is included in this brief and follows.

  The following transcription was found in the wreckage of the township of North Airls. It had a population of 2340 Citizens. 1334 minors and 1006 adults of various races. Every person was slain, found deskined and arranged in their homes and buisness as if they were going about their daily activities. Their skin was tanned and displayed on their homes etc. Upon these macabre tapestries written with blood and in their own native common languages were the words of Kalanthii. This is sample.

"Woe to those who are Civilized! Woe to those who bask in Her Glory!! For their fates will end in destruction. For their lives are truely more pointless for not their endevours are valued, but only what they spew forth.

Ganador knows this for Ganador alone stands against false prophecy. Ganador only, loves that which lives upon this world. For is She known not as the Devouring Mother? Does She not feast on the weathly and poor?

Harken unto my Hearld says Ganador. Kalanthii shows the truth. Kalanthii speaks the truth. Kalanthii will usher this rock into a new age. As Kalanthii acts, so Ganador acts. Witness this blessing, this peeling away of false face, of false intent, of false dream that She has enraptured all with."

Further inforamtion can be accessed directly via Official Archival Request(OAR).
Current Status
Current Location
Earlier 20s - Mid 30s
6x Green, 3x Red, 5x Amber, 3x Brown
Varies... length and colour.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5x Pale, 6x Light Brown, 3x Olive, 3x Black


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