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Medicaments, detailed

The Order of the Medicament Brotherhood

Renowned Medicament Brothers:
Quabar of the Blue - expert on Realm Flaura and Fauna. Observed, described, and catalogued many of the Realm’s creatures into the Index NáttúTaiulik.
Narizti of the Green - instructed thousands of Brothers across many roles through centuries. His writings form much of the instructional texts used by the Brotherhood and span the domain of civil knowledge. Dentistry, to gardening, to appropriate intimacy; Narizti of the Green as written on it.
Jarkilti of the Green - Narizti’s nemesis. For every text that Narizti wrote, Jarkilti wrote one expounding the virtues of the views and opinions in opposition of Narizti. These texts are also used for instruction.


Simple structure index of the upper echelon of the Medicament Brotherhood. This level of the Brotherhood does not typically participate in the daily business of the Order overall in the Realm, but directs and mandates the overall direction of the Order.

NgaMunaFadr - is the leader of the Brotherhood. This person is one of the few citizens who it is generally accepted to have direct access to the Devouring Mother as needed. It is through this person that the Heart of the Devouring Mother is expressed.

A’istyrFadr - are a small group of expert persons who assist the NgaMuna in managing the overall goals and direction of the Order. They create a council of sort, but meet irregularly and their numbers vary based on some process set by the NgaMuna.

SanHajr’tFadr - are the elite, and perhaps fantastical, guards of the Brotherhood. Not only are they responsible for the protection of the NgaMunaFadr, but citizens have stated that they have seem these strange warriors protecting various Brotherhood assets, buildings, people, and information.

Grefye’oBr’eoralag - are the chosen Brothers who manage the Citadel in the Pinnacle. These Brothers are ranked similarly to general ranks of the Brotherhood, but are typically more experienced. They fulfill all the daily functions required in the management of the Pinnacle Citadel and will be the individuals that Citizens encounter when they come to petition the Brotherhood for help or otherwise.
For the daily running of the Citadels and interactions with the Citizens of the realm these are the general ranks and typical responsibilities of Medicament Brotherhood:

The Junior Ranks

Of the Red
Brothers with this rank are the front line faces of the Brotherhood. These young brothers are typically clerks, assistants, run errands, and the protective forces of the Medicament Brotherhood. They are key to the daily operations of the Brotherhood performing the majority of the practical needed tasks. It is not uncommon for a Brother to remain this rank for some number of years.

Of the Orange
Brothers with this rank typically are medical practitioners. These Brothers have distinguished themselves by displaying a particular aptitude for an area of biological study. The majority of these Brothers tend to the injured that come to the Citadels or Houses of the Brotherhood, and upon occasion as needed are sent to areas of individual or civic crisis as required. Brothers of the Orange are often well respected and honoured by the communities they serve, and are a key element to the deference and cooperation that the Medicament Brotherhood receives from local Citizens.

Of the Yellow
A Brother with this rank is typically an administrator. They have the primary duty of making sure that the Citadel records are kept accurately. Brotherhood Citadels or Houses provide many varied services to the local community as needed, and Brothers of the Yellow manage these programs and their records. Many of the Red assist the Yellow in this capacity.

The Senior Ranks.

Of the Green
Brothers with this rank are instructors. These Brothers are experts in one or more areas of knowledge and have the duties of instruction. They teach and train other Brothers and upon occasion work with Paragons in the community’s schools to help instruct children. Sometimes, if there are not enough Paragons, the Brothers of the Green take over the teaching while the Paragons administer.

Of the Indigo
Are Brothers who are junior researchers. These Brothers often assist Brothers of the Blue. They typically are personal assistants, lab assistants, or field assistants. Some are also generalists, depending on the tasks or projects that their Senior is working on. These Brothers, having come up through the ranks, are also typically experts in some field of knowledge as well. Typically, at this rank, the Indigo Brothers have also achieved a few major feats or completed projects of importance to the Brotherhood.

Of the Blue
Brothers of the Blue are Senior researchers. These brothers spend the majority of their time working on research projects. These projects many be assigned from the Brotherhood, or they may be their own personal projects. In each case, the Brother’s of the Blue can command a significant amount of resources from Brotherhood Medicament, the Paragons, and the local civil government if needed. It would not be uncommon to find a Brother of the Blue leading a mixed organizational expedition to further the Glory of the Devouring Mother.

Of the Violet
These Brothers are the upper level administrators of the Medicament Brotherhood. They are responsible for the overall policies and politics of each Citadel. Houses do not typically have these rank in presence, which means that Houses never have the full authority as a Citadel. The long term plans of the Brotherhood are set and discussed by this Rank. Every decade all of the Violet meet at the The Pinnacle Citadel in Congress.

The final rank:
Of the Black
These Brothers are the Dark Brothers. Sometimes, Brothers become divergent, and the Black seek those divergent individuals for correction. The Black never wear their colouration in public, preferring rather to wear a lower Ranked colouration until they have contained their target. All Brothers are taught how the Black will identify themselves. All Brothers know not to impersonate them.


The Medicament Brotherhood attracts to its ranks those citizens who have a desire to provide care and support for their fellow citizen. Some come to this calling through living a fulfilling life believing that in their later years they are best to return some of the effort and consideration that their community has given them. Some come to the calling after being reborn and finding that they are out of place now in the Realm. That having had their breath returned to them, that they now feel a profound loss when confronted with a new age or place so similar to home, but not quite. 
In any case the Brotherhood genuinely sees their purpose as an organization to help other citizens achieve as much as they can with the gifts that they have access to.
To meet this end, the Brotherhood has a diverse and skilled membership within its organization, and this often means that citizens will often find assistance if they ask.


At the level of the Realm, the Medicament Brotherhood has effectively unlimited assets. As the founding organization of the Realm’s civilization, and the first organization imbued with Her Authority, the Brotherhood has at its disposal the assets to manage any situation within the Realm.
At more local levels, and even regional levels, the Brotherhood is more limited to the assets that have been donated, or that they have purchased.
Citadels in the Capitals easily have resources to manage large scale projects, crisis, or to implement Her Will through civic policy changes. 
Houses found in the more rural or less civilized settlements of the Realm operate at a more modest level, given that their communities are also modest.

Time Heals All.

Civil Services
Brother/Brothers - regardless of race or gender.
Leader Title
Related Ranks & Titles

Typical Citizen Requests:
request for temporary housing.
request for medical assistance.
request for Faid storage.
request for civic law advice.
request for trade mentorship.
request for non-interest loan.
request for archival access for research. 
request for archival storage of documents or assets.


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