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Tamfi Af Zwazo

Daughter of Birds

First Priestess of Ma-Caw Jasmine Andalu , Mistress (a.k.a. Daughter of Birds)

"Jasmine grew up in the north. Not the deep north past The Fallen, but more north than most. At least that is what the Medicament's records will reveal should you know to ask, but of course you need to know some things to ask.

If you should happen to meet Jasmine you will instantly know that she is not your normal citizen, so you will have no excuse for not reporting you knowledge to the local civial authorities, and they will have no excuse for not contacting Her most Glorious Paragons. And, if should happen to walk by or perhaps be in small village market that rarely sees Her Glory and just happen to hear what she is saying, that would be okay too. As long as you did report such things that you saw and happen to hear.
You will here her talk about her youth and how she was 'inspired' to leave Her Glory to worship a strange bird god called the Ma-Caw. You will here tell how after her long walk across Her lands, she was given the power to harness Breath. No sin against Civility that, but of course .. you will then hear how she turned her back on Her Will and refused the Lawfullness of the Paragons. So, now you will conclude, she is Divergent as you should.

Further, she will reveal her body to you, and you will look. Taking off her feathered cloak. Removing her multi-coloured head dress. These items being how she came to the market. This same items clearly marking her for who she is. You will look at her not because you are week willed and can not avert your eyes from the body of human female who is fit and by many standards beautiful. You will look because your intellect will be aroused, drawn in, lured by the tattoos covering her flesh. There will be no doubt at that point that she no longer Civilized. She is no longer within Her Glory.

She has undergone some manner of defiling metamorphosis, so unfathomable transformation to the far edge of Divergent. And, you will want to leave, so affronted you will be at this display.

But... stay. See what she does. Here what she says, and note carefully the reactions of others within your community. For certainly you will speak of this to the authorities, and certainly they will ask you detailed questions about your experience. And, when all is said and done, go about your day as if nothing of importance happened. She knows that you can not be tempted by Jasmine's words or actions. She knows that you have been raised well by your parents, who were raised by your grand parents. She does not doubt your heart, mind or your desire to live within Her Glory.

Do not fear this Jasmine. This small woman-thing. This insignificant moment in your life. Just share what you know and enjoy your day. Your devotion and love not only of Her, Her Glory, but of all of the wonders of Civilization, stand resolute and unaltered in the face of such frivilousness, that is this Divergent - Bird Woman Thing."

Transcription of a lesson given to students of Her Resolute Benediction of Adulation of Tel'ort.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

The First Priestess is:

Very strong and agile.
Healthy while being merely average in hieght for a human, and apparently blessed with immunity to illness, perhaps even aging.

Identifying Characteristics


The First Priestess is always adorned in feathers.
Her eyebrows are made of multi-coloured tiny feathers.
Her hands ... covered in delicate feathers.

Special abilities

The Daugter of Birds is a known user of Ee-Loque, and is thus considered an Outcast, and uncivilized.

Apparel & Accessories

She always wears the garb of her station as the First Priestess of Ma-Caw.

A headdress of brilliant feathers formed in the image of her patron, to keep her safe and to help her vision remain clear.
A cloak of rainbow feathers split in two, so that when she lifts her hands in bendiction the Ma-Caw's presence is seen by all.
And, her many coloured tatoos as a testament of her faith and dedication, so that she will never forget her devotion.

Specialized Equipment

The Ma-Caw's Judgement.

On the morning of the first day of the First Priestess, The Mother of Birds gave to her daughter one of her devine claws a fixed to a nine foot shaft of unyielding iron. The claw is as long as an arm and has been seen to pierce flesh, chiton, wood, stone and metal.
The First Priestess uses it in her holy rites and in battle. She can hold it aloft with a single hand.


Contacts & Relations

She is a known conspirator of the Outcasts. She actively rejects the Glory and Blessings of the Devouring Mother and is an affront to all of civility. No civilized person within Her realm will associate with the Daughter of Birds.

Family Ties

All birds.
Birds seem to understand her intention and provide her aid as she requests.

Religious Views

The Mother of Bird, the Ma-Caw strives to better the plight of all birds and to educate other species in the proper ways of living in harmony and kindness with Avians. There is a great wisdom to be known and learnt in the deep relationships with Avians, and while other speicies may not be able to fully understand such wisdoms, all would benefit from respectful and meaningful connections.

Social Aptitude

The Daughter of Birds is very socialable. She is charismatic and an excellent orator. She is also very well educated which suprises those who meet her of the first time given that her ritual garb is very unusual.
Many people have underestimated her intellect and tatical skills.


She has this annoying habit when excited of only speaking in short word sentences that she repeats, and appearing to not blink at all when looking at you.


Her voice is quite pleasant to most and she has a capcity to shift pitch and tone that is suprisingly flexible. She is fine singer that is capable of mimicing style almost immediately, and this skill does carry over to her capacities of oration. She has draw many followers to the faith of the Mother of Birds, just by her convincing and impassioned speeches.

Wealth & Financial state

The Daughter of Birds is not wealthy, but she does collect trinkets and various items of beauty and adornment. These are carried on her person in various pouches or worn.
"No, Sir.
I did not listen to her at all. I saw her and the group of uncivilized trash that came with her, and I was not having any of it. I gathered up my wares and started to pack up right away.
I heard what she was saying and all, but I didn't listen no, Sir!
Of course, it was impossible to miss the lighting bolt she called down from the sky. Couldn't not see that. And, well, at that point she pretty much had everyone's attention ... being all full and saturated. That crazy cape of her almost seemed to be take on a life of its one... like these wonderous wings.
Well, now that I'm thinking about it, I guess at one point someone must have given her Breath. What no? I was leaving by the time she started her full on speaking ... up, completely didn't see anything after that and all. "

Gantra'filk, Halfing Potter, resident of Bimple Skree.

Current Status
Spreading the faith.
Current Location
Unknown, appearance - middle aged.
Female - Parrot
Brilliant Orange
Midnight black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Various, multi-coloured due to tattoos.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Birds of a Feather! Birds of a Feather!! Raawwk!!!" - heard screamed as she slaughters innocent Citizens' who refused to listen to her hersey.
Mother of Ma-Caws
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Many have noted that the Daughter of Birds seems to be able to speak what ever language she needs to. This is of course ridiculous and clearly the fabrication of whimsy and divergent thought, but records do show that she can speak the following languages:
Dwarf Common
Elf Common
Orc Common
Realm Common
Tiefling Common
Dragonborn Common
Gnome Common
Human Common


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