The Creation. Prose in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
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The Creation.

The God's exist.

This can not be disputed. Everyone knows this and everyone knows the story of their sacrifice and betrayal. Heed this accounting as given to the Realm by Ah'nalisand High Priestess of Veratha, The Peaceful.

My siblings and I conceived of the deed after eons of tyranny. Hernish started the talk, and soon it was more whispers then talk, and soon after that it was more secret then whispers. That is how patricide starts. We would nod ever so subtly as we passed each other, or smile that half-smile that children have when they are keeping something from their parents. And, when we were alone, we would talk of how the deed was to be done. My family was very big at the time. My siblings weren’t all siblings of blood. We aren’t after all brothers and sisters of the same parents, but more exactly brothers and sisters who hated our parents. Of all of our parents, A’thyla – Earth Mother, was the least hated, but she was also the kindest. At the moment of decision, it was she who decided with us, that our parents really did deserve to die.

  Dieing for some is an easy thing to do, and that was the heart of the problem. Our parents kept killing our children. A few deaths we could accept and understand. That was the nature of things as our children are fragile in their makeup. They have limited understanding of things and limited spans of time to grasp at understanding more, but it is from our children that we know love, hate, joy, sadness, and power. So, when our parents would kill civilizations of our children, the loss was … indescribable.

  Our parents never understood that, and I think that was why it was possible for us to kill them. They just never expected us to hate them so much; or at all.

  Dieing for others is impossible, so when I say that we killed our parents, I’m not being accurate. Elden Gods, forces of fundamental natures, avatars of basic universal energies; that being our parents, well they don’t die. But, they can have their forms broken and shattered. They can have their tools crushed and destroyed. They can have their citadels sundered and wasted. And, they can have their essence dispersed and transformed.

  Many of our children died as well, and some of my siblings died. And, the world suffered great ravages that may never be healed. But, after the deed was done, the world belonged to us. Oh, and A’thyla.

  Now we lead our children in the ways that we believe. We guide them and help nurture them. Certainly, we sometimes disagree with what is right and wrong, but overall our children prosper.

  Until of course our parents return.  
This is the list of the gods.
Aja’nar, The World. Many people believe that the Devouring Mother is The World manifest. And, many do not.
Byr-yth, The Tender. Those who follow The Tender claim that The Tender provides inspiration and guidance to all races, uplifted or evolved.
Durian, The Lawgiver. Is often seen as the patron divinity of the Paragons, but many citizens follow his tenets as law leads to prosperity.
Ganador, The Vile. Has no followers, officially, but certainly those who do follow The Vile are themselves vile and a blight on the Realm.
Nuran, The Trickster. A divinity for children and the simple minded. The Trickster provides entertainment and amusement when asked.
Veratha, The Peaceful. Is a beloved divinity by their followers, and by others as well. How can you hate a divinity dedicated to the peace for all things?
Hernish, The Wise. Citizens who follow The Wise can be granted visions of their death or the death of loved ones. Hernish as also been called The Cruel.

This is a list of those betrayed.
Ansha, Mother of The Corrupt.
A’thyla, Mother of The World.
Dagadar, Father of Suffering.
Nijarka, Father of Elements.

These names are not spoken, though they are known, and those who speak these names are slain.


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