Tonte'beulgar Physical / Metaphysical Law in Az-Atla Realm of the Lost Moon | World Anvil
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The Falling of the Birds

This is my first submission for the Tourist's Syndicated Review (TSR). Please try not to butcher my tone and style, under the editorial 'perogative' of the need to appeal to a larger non-Tourist audience.
The other Northern corespondence teams know that our other Tourist contibutors have more literally astute editors.

The Bleed is a city that many do not travel to. It is nestled in the south face of the Wall of Tears, and like much of the North Realm, suffers from a reputation of harsh brutal weather tempered only with the sunny disposition of Orcs and other hard citizens used to caring more about the perversions of ill fate rumoured to plague the North.
I can equivically say that all of that is rough nonsense and children's tales told by the ignorant to entertain.

The Bleed is very nice. And, I just happened to be in the city during the - Tonte'beulgar.
This strange event happens every year in the month of VANDI-TENJI, or there abouts. Many naturalist have developed ways to predict the event, but there is still some variance on which day the event will start. So, this means that for the month of VANDI-TENJI, there is a strange anticipatory energy within the city proper.
Like the other cities of the Wall of Tears, Worm, Life Taker, and Edge, the Bleed is backed against the sheer inspiring clifts of the Wall. In the case of the Bleedl, these clifts (easiliy hundreds of meters tall), are home to a singluarly beautiful speices of bird.

Beulgar. Beautiful, musical and highly desired as pets.
This difficulty is that adult Beulgar spend the majority of their lives in flight above the Bleed or in migration. It is only during their breeding season, which ends in VANDI-TENJI, do they return to their birth clifts.
So each year, the citizens of the Bleed come to the clifts behind their city to watch the first attempts of the fledgling Beulgar to fly... to earn their freedom.

It is a festive event with a carinval spirit. Street performers, vendors and upon the rare occassion I must admit perhaps the more uncivilized entertainments. This gaity is counter pointed by the reality of the Tonte'beulgar.

Imagine... upon high clifts, soon after the suns first rays warms the clift rocks. And, you look up to see the innumerable flocks of Beulgar. Their nests can be just seen, and in them you know are two or three fledgings soon to do the bravest and most necessary thing.
Leap out of their nests.
Be free... or die. That is their only choice. Or.. perhaps not.

For of course, at the foot of the clifts, stand a number of Her Citizens waiting. They wait for that one lucky moment... where a fledging Beulgar literally falls into their hands. Now of course the industrious citizens of Bleed have long ago abandonned just the use of their hands, and have developed a number of ingenious ways of saving those poor fledginglys who do not learn to fly.
Thank the Glory of the Devouring Mother, for while these poor birds may not fly, they shall live lives ... lives that no other Beulgar shall know within Her Wisdom and Glory.
Submission: Amazing Natural Occurance (ANC)
Location: Within Her Glory the City of Bleed.
Date: Wens-it, 19 of 156 of the 54Rs.

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