Gression Wagon Vehicle in Azarth | World Anvil
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Gression Wagon (GREH-shun)

Developed over time in the cold and mountainous Gression region of Polira, the Gression Wagon is noted for its sturdy construction, high wagon-bed clearance, load-bearing capacity, and secondary pole braking system. However, it is the team that pulls a Gression Wagon that truly sets it apart. Each wagon utilizes a team of four to twelve domesticated Kleita to navigate the snowy peaks and tundra of Gression.   There had been many attempts to tame or herd the odd feline/reindeer hybrid that developed after The Shattering. Klieta are agile, quick and sturdy animals. They are one of several magically mutated species that can actually breed and breed true. Most of all, their surefooted paws spread out to act like snowshoes, keeping them from breaking the crust of the snow.   Around 245 A.S. it is estimated that locals in the mountains began to capture large numbers of Klieta with the aim of breeding them for domestic uses. Many generations of these beasts passed, however, until the Klieta were tame enough for something like training to pull together in a wagon harness. By 328 A.S. the Klieta were able to pull loads on sleds, individually or together.   Near the middle of the fourth century, wagon design also went through a change. The standard wagon brake had proved all but useless in the harsh terrain of Gression. Tired of losing heavy loads of ore on the steep mountainsides due to runaway vehicles, the miners approached local blacksmiths to try to find a solution. Thus, the pole brake was developed.   Simple in execution, the pole brake gave waggoners far more control over their descents. As the name suggests, it consisted of a metal pole that attached to the rear axle assembly and stood vertically at the side of the wagon. A rope was tied to the top of it that led to the driver's seat. A waggoner merely had to pull on the rope to increase friction on the back wheels, causing them to slow. Combined with the standard wagon brake, it allowed for much greater control of the wagon's speed.   This rudimentary but effective brake, coupled with the various adjustments that workers had added over the course of years, made for a wagon that was well-suited for traversing the winding mountain pathways that lead to the rich metals and bountiful pines of the northern region. But without the teams of Klieta, it never would have gained renown outside of Gression. Their speed and agility, as well as their eerie grace and beauty, made them a hallmark of the northern reaches.   Within a decade of the pairing together of team and wagon, a flood of new trade swept into the region. Ore and lumber could now be swiftly transported to the lowlands, and new settlers could access the frozen north. Villages sprung up around newly opened mines and lumber camps, places like Rockhaven, Frostrun, and farthest of all, Wintersee. It was a swell of prosperity that seemed to carry all those in Gression with it. The poorest, most inaccessible area of Polira had been opened to the kingdom.
Creation Date
c. 360 AS
24 links
1 rod
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
80-160 hundredweight

Cover image: by Nightflyer0ne via Midjourney


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Jun 30, 2024 06:40 by jyliet of the house

Pole braking! An ingenious solution for a difficult problem.

Jun 30, 2024 07:05 by rugrat0ne

I wish I could claim credit, but that's actually what was used back in the day

I've done Diamond or Die. This year I'm trying Diamond or Nap.
Jun 30, 2024 15:30 by jyliet of the house

So cool! :) People are creative little things.