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Haze is a magic ore that glows softly. It is extremely rare in the Material plane, but when it is found, the mines for it are expansive. Several mining villages have sprouted around a single mine, and there is plenty of Haze to go around. It is used to power airships and other resources found in cities.   There are two types of Haze, distinguishable by color - a fog-colored gray and a lilac.   The lilac-colored Haze is easier to find, and is most commonly used in creating potions that help recharge a spell caster's abilities in battle or ground into a fine powder to be used in place of material components, a 1:1 cost ratio. As a potion, this Lilac Haze ore has addictive tendencies, and every spellcaster runs the risk of becoming addicted to it the more that they use it. When used as a powder, there is little to no chance of addiction, though some cultures sprinkle the dust on certain, high quality foods and treat it as a delicacy, due to the small boosts in energy the dust gives when ingested.   Prolonged use leads to unbearable cravings for the substance. Over time, those who have used it in an extreme sense grow disoriented, incapable of knowing what is a memory and what is the present day, and cannot distinguish between dream and waking. They are frequently paranoid as their worst memories and nightmares haunt them throughout their remaining days. It starts small at first, a misplaced paper or words to a bard's song that you love, but more and more fades as the time progresses.   Withdrawal, before the symptoms progress to paranoia and obsession, includes headaches, forgetfulness, unquenchable hunger and thirst, and a numb sensation in your fingers and toes. The user may also experience confusion, extreme emotions, strange dream, and hallucinations.   The grey Haze is more difficult to find, making it worth more gold. It's always found further into the ground that the lilac, in large cave and mine systems. Fog Haze is always used in powder form, as it is unstable when used for potion making. When an item is enchanted with refined Fog Haze, the item can be used to nullify magic, often seen in large cities in their defenses, monster hunter gear, and assassin's guilds. One city, Hestra, has imbued the streets with refined Fog Haze, making magic nearly impossible to cast within the city limits. Users of magic report to having headaches when they are in proximity to Fog Haze.   While Lilac Haze has a chance to be addictive, the Fog Haze doubles that chance. If it comes in contact with a magic user's skin, there is a chance that the corruption sets in, which only a wish spell or a divine intervention can fully remove. No one has successfully researched how this corruption differs from Lilac Haze's prolonged addiction, and those that have tried to research it have been found torn open and their research burned.

History & Usage

Everyday use

Lilac Haze:


Lesser: One level 1 spell slot
Standard: 2 level 1 spell slots
Greater: 1 level 2 or 3 level 1 spell slots
Superior: 1 level 3 or 2 level 2 spell slots
Supreme: 2 level 3 spell slots
Absolute: All spell slots (through level 5) are refilled. Extremely rare.

Spell Component Replacement

Refined Lilac Haze can be used to replace spell components that require a gold value in a 1:1 ratio. Raw Lilac Haze can be used in a 1:2 ratio, but it is unstable and wild magic may occur.  

Fog Haze:

Used in defense of cities, the daily tasks of Monster Hunters, and in assassin groups.


Trade & Market

Potion makers around the world sell Lilac Haze potions, and their cost is dependent on the level of the enchantment.    Fog Haze is not available for purchase by consumers and requires registration with MIPA to obtain legally. It can be found in the black market for a high cost.

Law & Regulation

Lilac Haze potions are regulated by the MIPA (Magic Item and Potions Administration) and have a certain potency they cannot exceed. Each potion maker crating Lilac Haze potions must be licensed and registered with MIPA prior to selling potions.
Lilac - 500gp/lb Fog - 1000gp/lb
Sweet and salty

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