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Azeroth - A Moment in Time

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A Moment in Time Is a long ongoing Role Play/Dungeons & Dragons/Story Writing venture that holds its roots well over 25 years ago with a close group of real-life friends, family, and our shared love for writing and fantasy world-building that we all grew up with.

Starting with our love for D&D and moving onto worlds such as Warcraft, this crazy venture helped fill in the void in some of our lives and gave us a creative outlet to express ourselves through the worlds and stories we would come up with.

Even though today our lives as we've grown have driven us physically apart, we do our best to stay in contact with each other and continue to take joy in the hobbies we still love.

So Welcome, come step into our Inn, pull up a chair, and enjoy some of our concepts, characters, and adventures!

A Disclaimer:

We follow heavily with the known Lore of the Warcraft World and the known Timeline as Written by the Developers and Writers for the series. (Though we do understand current writing’s have been a bit... wtf)

Information is gathered from the various lore sources like in-game information and Quests, Novels, Comics/Mangas, the Chronicles books, the Ultimate Visual Guide books, The RPG, the Wiki, etc etc. This includes the variations on the differing Races, Cultures, and World ideals.

We as players and fans of these series understand that this is NOT REAL LIFE EARTH, but rather a Fictional Fantasy World that contains many things that do not follow our real-world logic, beliefs, or ideals.


Such that a World's Laws, Religions, Cultures, and General Concepts can be vastly different from our own in Real-Life. Or that there are many Intelligent Fantasy Species that may not have the same life span or rate of growth as we do as humans, and may hit an Adult Age well before our Real-Life idea of 'Legal Age'.
(Example: D&D’s popular Dragonborn race "walk hours after hatching, attain the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3, and reach adulthood by age 15.".)

That Said:

If you are the type that can not accept or grasp; as is Written by the Developers and Writers for the series; that many concepts in Warcraft (or D&D, or ANY fantasy setting) DO NOT always have to adhere to Real-Life/Real-World Human Standards, Logic, or Views, and are unable to separate the Real-World from a Fictional World then please move along.


This is stressed...

After one of our Players became the target for harassment, even receiving death threats, thanks to a group of people twisting very clearly ADULT characters into somehow being 'young children' due to them having perceived these characters as ‘looking young/under the age of 16’ in their minds. Ignoring all posted bios, artwork, etc that clearly states otherwise, while also choosing to ignore that one of the characters in question is of a species that has a life span of only 25-30 years, as such is in fact an ADULT for his species at half that age.

Yet after we tried to explain, and shown the characters in question really were adults (even with old concept art from 2013, during one characters creation), this group refused to hear or believe otherwise. They still insisted the characters were young children; even calling them 'babies that needed to stay innocent'; regardless of what we and the Player of these characters had told and showed them. Citing any and all attempts to clear up their own assumed ideas as our Player trying to ‘justify their sick fetish’.

We also found that they had begun spreading around in differing chat and discord groups 'warning' people that our Player was into 'underage content’ and further twisting our attempts to clear this mess up as 'trying to force it on others', and 'not respecting boundaries' resulting in the above-mentioned harassment and threats.

This is not hear-say, as some of us were also members of a few of the discord groups that this misinformation was being spread through. Our Player also gave consent for us to log into all of their accounts this assault had spread to (even in-game) in an attempt to help them with the situation when it became far too much for them to handle; nearly to the breaking point; and we saw for ourselves the abuse and threats they were receiving.

Thus we will stress further: DO NOT ASSUME

Just because a character may ‘look young’ in your eyes, rather due to their height or an artist chosen art style DOES NOT make the character automatically a child. Neither does a character whose race/species ages different from how we do in real life, or has a differing life-span DOES NOT make the content 'Underage' as long as they are considered ADULTS to their species.

Last, if you are unsure of something, OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND ASK. The excuse of 'I was too scared to ask/say anything' is pathetic. The whole above situation may have been avoided if just ONE person involved bothered to come up and ask the simple question of 'How old are your characters?" or you know, took one minute to look up character bios where such information is clearly visible.


Some words from our Players

It’s a god damn GAME set in a FICTIONAL universe. IT IS NOT REAL LIFE. It’s just that damn simple. We should not have to bastardize our characters to 'age them up' to be inline with real life, or change a species that has a shorter life span to be more 'human-like' just so a few cry babies don’t have their precious little minds hurt. If you seriously can not grasp such a simple concept then kindly go back to your ‘real life’ while we go on adventures facing daemons and dragons and traveling to other worlds!
— Jordan
If it is one thing I have learned growing up and being in the Navy:
-Don't know something? Unsure of a fact? ASK DON'T ASSUME-.
Assuming and making up your own ideas while twisting around or ignoring details that are clearly posted or pointed out regarding someone else’s creation that you have no right or say to, does not make it ‘fact’ just because you say it is. Respect the creator, you do not get to tell us how our own creations are like or what we can and can not do with them.
— Eric
Why would anyone in their right mind get involved in these fictional worlds, stories, and games; rather it's WoW, D&D, or another series; only to view the content and lore as so disturbing they feel the need to twist around and humanize everything to be more like real-life? Then attack and harass the fans and players who do choose to follow the lore and what the writers came up with?
We who follow along with a worlds lore and concepts as envisioned by the Writers and Game Developers for their fictional world and the life forms inhabiting it; while throwing in some of our own ideas and concepts; are not the ones with the 'issue'.
Creative freedom and having your own visions of a world are fine.
However, it's the people who jump into these fandoms and insist things are only/must be how they perceive them to be, then go about attacking and harassing all who don't follow their ideals very much are the 'issue'.
— Will
While everyone is free to have their own interpretation of official characters and lore events, you do not have any right to tell us what we can or can not do with our own characters or world-building. We delve into this fantasy world to have a break from some of the nonsense going on in the real world. We do not need you trying to bring that nonsense into our world.
— Sami
If we choose to follow the Lore and Timeline that has been established when it comes to a fantasy species and the world they are in then that is our choice.
If you find such lore to be too much for your liking and insist on it being changed to fit your ideals and be more to real life, then that is fine, you do you. But that don’t give you the right to attack and harass us for wanting to follow the lore while making up your own nonsense to spread around to others as if its fact. Like saying an adult character must be a young child simply because you said so.
— Kris

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Azeroth - A Moment in Time

World of Warcraft