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Light Purple

Stories from the Moonlit Burrow - Day 28

Day 28   Day twenty-eight and it is still just myself and Lore in The Burrow. I am starting to think I was foolishly optimistic to have made such a grand table for our base, which is large enough to seat at least eight of my brothers and sisters. I often wonder what adventures Kayenier and Thalrian are on and whether I shall ever see or hear from them again.   Over the past month Lore and I have spoken about the lives we have led and told stories of our past adventures. We have taught each other small phrases and words from our respected languages and traditions and have even created our own hand signals whilst out gathering supplies. We have become quite the unlikely duo, foraging and gathering supplies when needed and I am glad to have had him by my side throughout this turbulent time. The smell of fish still bothers me but has muted itself ever so slightly, I have found that it has started to bother me less and less with each passing day that we are here, although I shall never let on to Lore.   Elune still has not presented me with a sign, but I feel more at peace with my decision to stray from my orders and somehow, I feel like it was the right thing to do, but maybe I am just lying to myself. I have faith that when the time is right, Elune will send a message or sign to guide me through the next steps of my journey. When that comes, I shall be ready for whatever challenges I must next face. But for now, I will wait in this cave and continue my scribblings.

Stories from the Moonlit Burrow - Day 20

Day 20   It has been a little over a week since my last entry, but much has changed in The Burrow.   It was evident to both myself and the fox that neither of us were going anywhere, anytime soon and so have I spent the week since my last entry creating some basic comforts for our new space. Our new home.   Tired of eating my provisions on the floor, the first thing I decided to craft was a table. With a simple acorn and a little help from the natural powers that radiate from every corner of the burrow, I have grown a great oak table straight from a crack in the cobbled floor. Forming the table was the lengthiest spell I have ever attempted, and it ended up taking about a week to finish due to the sheer size of it. Now that it is finished however, I must admit, I am quite proud.   My favourite additions to our space however must be the two personalised chairs that sit on either side of the table. I’ve styled my own to fit my form perfectly, with root-like tendrils forming an intricate lattice backrest. I have added vines growing up and around the tendrils with purple petaled flowers studding the back and sides. Every time I sit, I feel at peace, hugged by the sweet smell of nectar and musk of the forest. Just like home…   Lore’s chair, on the other hand, sits significantly higher off the ground then mine, accommodating for his rather small stature. Whilst Lore was out gathering supplies, I spent many hours chiselling symbols and historical imagery from Zandarli history into the back and sides, using a book I found in The Burrow as a guide. Later that day I found that Lore, presumably with one of his many daggers, had engraved his name and other strange symbols into the chair. Although he had defaced the delicately carved reliefs that I had spent hours working on, I can’t help but feel like his haphazard addition was his way of showing approval.   The more time I spend with Lore the more I learn about him. For the most part he appears jovial on the outside, but I can’t help but feel there is something buried within, something that pains him deeply, something that he wishes for the world not to see.   Despite my continued efforts, I have not received any sign from Elune, or perhaps I am just not perceiving the signs she is sending me. Maybe she too has shunned me for deviating from my path. Either way I do not allow myself to be bogged down in negativity, I must remain hopeful that I have not been shunned by the gods as well as my people for straying from my path. Perhaps these challenges are my true trial and Elune is leading me down this path because I was meant to walk it. I suppose only time will tell…

Stories from the Moonlit Burrow - Day 3

Day 3   Today is the third day since I was supposed to finish the Trials of a Night Warrior and the fifth day since my life was turned upside down ...   I found some old parchment as I was cleaning up a space to call my own and so I have decided to scribe my journey so far. My scribblings will surely never amount to the epics written about the greatest of my people, but I suppose they will help me make sense of all that is happening in the hope that I do not lose my mind…   I thought I had my life planned out. I would answer the call of the Night Warrior and serve my people well. I had imagined every intricacy of this journey, dreamt how my story would unfold as I followed in the footsteps of those who came before me. Never did I imagine my world would unravel the way it did.   I guess that is the naivety of being so young, I am only 274 after all.   My journey began with the request of a Void elf, Kayenier Sinderveil, High Priestess of the Jade Serpent and a chance encounter with a very peculiar individual who, quite literally, stumbled into my life. This fox (or Vulpera as he likes to correct me) is called Lore and together, along with Kayenier, they have made very unlikely (yet deadly) company.   Although a slightly dysfunctional trio we worked well together, defeating both Aku’Mai and one of The Nine Brothers Kayenier had been searching for. However, in doing so I have strayed from my path, bringing me back to the sorry state I now find myself in.   Kayenier, along with her husband, have left Lore and I to finish their search for the rest of The Nine Brothers. I don’t know how long we will be here but hopefully I will be able to get some clarity and answers from Elune about where my new path is taking me.

Stories from the Moonlit Burrow - Day 11

Day 11   It has now been eleven days since we began living in this cave. Lore and I have decided to start making it more homely as neither of us know how long we will be living down here. We have decided to call it ‘The Moonlit Burrow’ or ‘The Burrow’ for short.   We have been on a few adventures together since Kayenier left, gathering supplies: food, water, and weapons necessary for our survival. Lore and I are spending a lot of time with each other on these little adventures, as well as in The Burrow, and we seem to have formed some sort of bizarre friendship. No matter where we go the little fox always manages to find a dagger or two and even though there are only so many daggers one little fox can carry, he is adamant that more are needed. I am only glad size difference means he cannot steal (or even carry!) many of my weapons, although I would be foolish to believe he has not thought of doing so.   Unfortunately, he continues to offer me fish despite my protests. From what I have observed I think he means it as a sign of friendship or good gesture, but I really cannot stand the smell, it fills the whole burrow with a foul odour that lingers throughout the entire space. Despite this, we seem to be getting on well enough, apart from the time   I accidently touched his tail of course – honestly how am I meant to see him when he is sneaking around the place? He is a quarter of my size.   Despite regular meditation, I am yet to receive guidance from Elune about the direction of my new path. I have thought about going back to Nordrassil, but I fear that I shall no longer be welcome, as they will only see a night elf who has failed to complete the sacred ritual and fulfil their destiny. I fear that to them I am but a deserter and a coward, perhaps they are right.


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